Why Don’t Democrats Have to Apologize for Their Own Idiots?

Here’s another brief observation concerning how lopsided the American political discourse has become as of late, Save Jerseyans, and how much the two major parties differ in terms of their =values.

Everyone has seen Joe Biden’s infamous “unchained” speech by now. It was one of the clearest examples of race-baiting perpetrated by a high elected official in modern U.S. history.

But did the President apologize for him? Negative! He sent Robert Gibbs on Fox News Sunday, where the veteran spokesman unbelievably said “I’m happy and proud of Joe Biden and I’m happy and proud to have him on the trail every day.” In fact he didn’t even try to deny Biden’s intent, responding only his Republican opponents are allegedly guilty of the same nonesense. That’s not true, of course, but can you believe this guy’s gall?

Flash forward to this week…

 Todd Akin, the GOP U.S. Senate nominee in Missouri, may have just single-handedly destroyed Republican chances of reclaiming the upper chamber by making a particularly bizarre “legitimate” rape comment. Both Biden and Akin’s respective gaffes were equally stupid, Save Jerseyans. Very much so. The only major difference? Akin apologized, Romney/Ryan 2012 condemned him, and Scott Brown (R-MA) is calling for him to drop from the off the November ballot (as are many other Right-leaning voices including NRO.com). Democrats, on the other hand, don’t have a bad thing to say (at least in public) or even a simple word of reprimand for crazy old Uncle Joe?

The implication here is that Democrats can say or do anything without having to apologize because they (and their mainstream media allies) assume that liberal hearts are almost always in the right place. It’s a rebuttable presumption of good intentions no matter how extreme the transgression at issue. Similarly stupid Republican mistakes, however, are never okay because everyone knows how Republicans are universally secret racist/sexist/homophobic pieces of trailer trash.

That’s how they think, my friends, and it goes to show you how morally relativistic the modern Left has become in recent years. Why shouldn’t Democrats have to apologize for their own idiots if Republicans do? Because righteous liberal ends ALWAYS justify the means. At least in their own minds… a truly scary place to explore at any significant depth.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. The most glaringly obvious piece of evidence that Obama is all about himself and not about doing well for the Country is his Vice President pick. Biden has proven his lack of intelligence several times in the past few years! He is a buffoon who can't seem to keep his foot out of his mouth. Is he really presidential material? I think not! But, if something happens to Obama, Biden will be President. You think other countries are laughing at us now?

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