Obama Central Planning is Starving U.S. Students (VIDEO)

To quote a “great” New Jerseyan, I firmly “believe the children are our future.”

Feed them well and they will lead the way.

But what happens when that’s a physical impossibility because the next generation is malnourished? Specifically due to a new public school lunch menu — one that is 20 to 25 cents more expensive per meal — mandated by the absurd ‘Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010’ and championed by USDA and First Lady Michelle “Let Them Eat Tofu” Obama? One that forces public school kids to consume only a fraction of the calories they need to be active and healthy?

Kids are fighting back, Save Jerseyans! And hopefully they’re telling their parents who are presumably registered to vote… health care isn’t the only rationed commodity in the Obama Family’s America.

Here’s a very smart parody of the new national school lunch policy, titled “We Are Hungry” — set to the tune of “We Are Young” by Fun; let’s help these kids take it viral:


The lyrics are below the fold:

Give me some seconds
I, I need to get some food today
My friends are at the corner store
Getting junk so they don’t waste away
My lover ate her 2 grams of meat
Just about to starve
My bread was taken by some school bully
Askin’ bout s’more
And i know i gave up on food months ago
I know i’m trying to forget it
But between the milk and feta cheese
The pains in my tummy sing
You know I’m trying hard to find

So by the time you go to practice
And you feel like falling down
I’ll carry you home

We are hungry.
Set the policy on fire
It can burn brighter
Than the sun

We are hungry
Set the policy on fire
It can burn brighter
Than the sun

Now i know that this is not
All that you got.
I guess that I,
I just thought maybe we could find a
way not to starve today
But our friends are back
They are filled right up
Cause they found somewhere to find lots of food

We are hungry
Set the policy on fire
It can burn brighter
Than the sun

We are hungry
Set the policy on fire
It can burn brighter
Than the sun

Crawling home tonight
Just crawling home tonight
Crawling home tonight
Just crawling home tonight;

The cooks are on my side
But I have no energy to run
So will someone come and carry me home tonight
No nourishment arrived
But i can taste mom’s meal
So will someone come and carry me home

We are hungry
Set the policy on fire
It can burn brighter
Than the sun

We are hungry
Set the policy on fire
It can burn brighter
Than the sun

So if by the time that it’s all over
And you feel like falling down
I’ll carry you home tonight


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.