FLAG ON THE FIELD: NFL Spokesman Disses Steve Sweeney’s Replacement Ref Ban Plan

Now it’s just getting embarrassing…

Senate President Steve Sweeney’s absurd (and likely unconstitutional) call to regulate the National Football League’s use of replacement referees at the Meadowlands made the national news but was poorly received in most quarters.

Even the NFL’s official spokesman Brian McCarthy struggled to take the New Jersey Legislature’s top dog seriously:

We appreciate Senator Sweeney’s interest, but officiating controversies have always been a part of sport. Our staff, including Commissioner [Roger] Goodell, has been in negotiations with the referees union for the past week. We hope to reach agreement as soon as possible.”

The Senator clearly needs a civics class, Save Jerseyans, and if he ever actually tried to regulate NFL referees, we might see the first major dormant commerce clause case in many years.

Unfortunately, Sweeney’s inability to grasp key civic principles isn’t isolated to interstate commerce.

His Monday morning call for a constitutional minimum wage amendment was only marginally less ridiculous yet still infinitely worse because of the certain negative economic consequences such a move would engender. And do you remember last month’s O’Reilly Factor appearance? When Bill politely but firmly explained to Sweeney that criminal laws are almost exclusively the province of the states?

The idea that this guy is aiming for higher office is terrifying, folks. Don’t doubt he’ll try. Why else would he propose these wacky bills? Sweeney is obviously grasping for name recognition-building media attention wherever he can get it regardless of what it does to his reputation.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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