Obama Isn’t Above Exploiting Breast Cancer

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Save Jerseyans.

Unfortunately, October is also the endgame for a contentious presidential election, and Barack Obama’s deceitful Democrat campaign is exploiting breast cancer to push ObamaCare.

No dice, Mr. President. We’re used to liberals exploiting breast cancer to scare women into their camp. It’s not going to work this time. We’re armed with the truth, and all of the grandstanding and pink floodlights in the world can’t change that.

And what is the truth? Health care rationing is a hallmark of the new health care law; mammograms will be no exception.

You may recall how the Obamacare requires private insurers to cover “preventive services” recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). Well, in 2009, USPSTF infamously recommended that breast cancer screenings aren’t really necessary for American women under 50. Tell that to a young or middle aged woman under 50 with a family history of breast cancer…

But that’s the nature of a “mandate,” folks. It’s no longer your choice! The decision belongs to a panel of bureaucrats in Washington who have never met you, tested you, interviewed you, examined you or reviewed your chart… they’re myopically focused on dollars and cents and statistics. YOU are a NUMBER. So when it comes time to consider the administration of expensive drugs to save your life, ObamaCare has ensured that your life isn’t the primary consideration.

Hence, the true Barack Obama legacy this October. If you care about the women in your life, Save Jerseyans, then please make sure they know about it before heading to the polls.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. So, hey, do you ever bother to even try to be impartial?

    Your relentless attacks on "the left" undermine your arguments; they suggest you are only willing to see evidence that supports your opinions. The only people who will bite are the people who already agree with you. People who won't check your facts, or acknowledge similar obnoxious behavior in their own camp.

    Why does that matter? Because your political leaders are awful, and you are maintaining a shitty status quo by openly buying into the partisan facade that is the American political process. Pick a side, pretend to be righteous, and never glance back at your own team.

    You're upset that your president and his liberal cronies spend buckets of cash trying to manipulate voters? Well, why don't you take a glance at some of the same bullshit Romney's team is throwing out? You aren't standing up for integrity and justice by siding with one asshole against another.

    Way to be part of the problem. Don't you even care if you're a good person?

  2. So, hey, do you ever bother to even try to be impartial?

    Your relentless attacks on “the left” undermine your arguments; they suggest you are only willing to see evidence that supports your opinions. The only people who will bite are the people who already agree with you. People who won’t check your facts, or acknowledge similar obnoxious behavior in their own camp.

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