Governor Romney’s Foreign Policy Mission: Restore Our Faith in Ourselves

Governor Romney, your continued surge in the polls is largely the result of a belief among the public that you are the candidate better able to tackle the morass of our collective economic stupor (50% vs. 43% for Obama).

Furthermore, two strong debate performances have resulted in favorability ratings that have you now tied with the Democrat incumbent President on likeability. As we draw closer to the final Presidential debate tonight, it’s prescient to consider the steady erosion of support President Obama has endured regarding his foreign policy credentials, too.

In a recent Fox News poll, President Obama held a six point advantage among likely voters on handling of foreign policy with a four point advantage on which candidate is best able to protect the US from another terrorist attack. Consider that Fox’s poll in the middle of September gave President Obama a fifteen point lead over you on foreign policy and an eight point lead on terrorism.

Governor Romney, you can overtake President Obama if you deliver a message of strength and coherence at Monday’s debate and seize the opportunity to help restore the country’s faith in itself.

Callow and conciliatory, the Obama Administration’s foreign policy is in retreat from Cairo to Caracas, Benghazi to Beijing.

On the question of the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs, the Administration has largely avoided the heavy lifting required to staunch the momentum of these rogue nations. Vice President Biden’s defense at the second debate that the Iranians still need a device to detonate a nuclear bomb is not adequate consolation for a program that has moved four years closer to a nuclear bomb on President Obama’s watch. Iran continues to enrich uranium and has deftly utilized the Administration’s misguided belief in spineless diplomatic overtures to advance itself time to complete its ambitions.

President Obama fundamentally misunderstands the nature of Iran’s ideological ambitions; no amount of economic sanctions alone will deter the Mullah’s, especially with key sectors of the economy exempt from sanctions and plenty of nations ready and willing to deal with Iran for access to its energy reserves. American stature in the world is such that the Administration’s tough talk is not backed by any credible assumption that the government is willing to back up its rhetoric. The administration has been unable to cajole China and Russia to join any unified diplomatic action against Iran, and has dangerously comingled US food aid with our diplomatic efforts to stop North Korea’s nuclear program, a mistake which already failed during the Clinton Administration.

The so-called “Russian reset” has ended in embarrassment with Russia now more imperialistic, obstinate, and antithetical to American foreign policy than any time since the fall of the Soviet Union. American policy towards Syria has been likewise wrongheaded, even shameful. The Administration has not done nearly enough to stop a brutal dictator from butchering tens of thousands of his own people. Outsourcing responsibility for stopping the ongoing slaughter in Syria to an enervated and chronically ineffective United Nations via Kofi Annan has done nothing but buy Bashar Assad more time, weakening American standing in the world particularly in the eyes of people in the Arab world.

On the terrorism front, President Obama wrongly believed that a message of conciliation apologizing for perceived US sins in the Islamic world would cloak the nation in a veneer of security. Recent attacks in Benghazi and a thwarted terrorist attack in New York belie the naiveté of this approach. The gusto with which the Administration jumped to blame a YouTube video for the recent terrorist attack which killed four Americans in Libya including the US ambassador is a prime example of the lengths the Administration must now take to buttress a dominant ideological narrative long ago exposed as false.

America is no safer for having made Barack Obama President.

Governor Romney, you must continue to hold President Obama accountable for the security failures at our embassy in Libya and for the misleading efforts following the attack to avoid labeling what happened in Benghazi terrorism. While Secretary Clinton at times appears to act as a shadow President on foreign policy matters, she is incorrect in stating the buck stops with her. Americans want and deserve answers, and you are uniquely situated to help them attain them.

Governor Romney, you also need to connect the strength of the US economy with the strength of US foreign policy. A nation freer from debt with robust economic growth has expanded options on the world stage. In the past four years, American allies have come to believe they cannot count on the United States when it matters. Poland, Israel, and Great Britain has been cast aside, relegated to join the mass of nations, despite years of mutual interest and commitments to shared ideals. The Obama Administration has largely ignored our own backyard in Latin and South America. The Administration has given legitimacy to rogue leaders like Hugo Chavez and watched as Chinese trade with such important partners as Brazil have flourished while not doing enough to strengthen US ties to a vital and burgeoning world player.

Above all, Governor Romney, we need you to restore America’s belief that its foreign policy is fundamentally good, accurate, and reasonable. Too many Americans are willing to let the nation shirk its responsibilities in the world. That would be a mistake. Never has there been a more benevolent international power. Those Americans who cheer the declining influence of the US in the world foolishly believe that what will come next will be better. By exposing the inconsistent and lackluster policies of the Obama administration and espousing an ideologically coherent foreign policy, you have an opportunity to restore America’s standing in the world. America is a strong nation with a responsibility to support freedom and peace in the world. Americans once believed that; it’s time for you, Governor Romney, to make us believe it again.


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