Former Save Jersey Contributor Poised to Lead CRNC

Very exciting news to share with all of you this morning, Save Jerseyans.

And no, it has nothing to do with Babs Buono.

Our dear long time friend and former Save Jersey contributor, Alex Smith, will announce her candidacy for chairman of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC) later today!

An alum of your Blogger-in-Chief’s undergraduate alma mater (Catholic University in Washington, DC) and a current law student at Seton Hall, Alex would be the first woman to lead the prestigious national grassroots organization in its history and would join a long line of distinguished chairmen including the architect himself, Karl Rove.

You should also know that Alex (originally from the Philly Suburbs on the PA side) is a good friend of New Jersey Republicans/conservatives. Over the years, she’s helped lead numerous campaign deployments and hundreds of College Republican volunteers to the Garden State for worthy candidates (including for Chris Christie in 2009). Truth be told, she’s done more to help “save” Jersey than most New Jerseyans! 

She’s already been endorsed by the New Jersey College Republicans (along with the leaders of 31 other U.S. state chapters). In a statement release by Alex’s campaign, NJCR Chairman Connor Montferrat said “Alex has displayed her leadership abilities and teamwork this year as a co-chair and a leader for the CRNC. With her personality, charisma, and work ethic, there is no doubt in my mind that Alex is the right choice to lead the CRNC to new heights. Alex is the best person to communicate our important message as young conservatives nationwide in this upcoming pivotal election year.”


So lend a hand if you can, Save Jerseyans… she’s one of us! For starters, I highly recommend reading/sharing today’s excellent Daily Caller profile of Alex and her campaign. You can also stay in touch with Alex’s national effort by “liking” her campaign’s newly-launched Facebook page here and visiting her website,

More info to follow…



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.