Marco Also Hates His ‘Time’ Cover

Both Leading Men for the 2016 GOP Nomination Complain About Their ‘Time’ Magazine Covers

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Screen shot 2013-02-07 at 10.03.08 PMGovernor Chris Christie loathed his January 2013 Time magazine cover because he said it made him like a mobster, even joking on Don Imus’s morning radio program that he planned to report Time “to the anti-Italian defamation league.”

Well guess what, Save Jerseyans? The New Jersey Governor’s strongest potential challenger heading into the 2016 Republican presidential primary doesn’t like his cover any better. Go figure.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) took issue with Time‘s upcoming February cover (see right) since it referred to him as “The Republican Savior.” The Cuban Catholic conservative tweeted out the following in response:

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Time’s direct response was pithy:

TIME Tweet #1

We might get a better idea idea of Rubio’s salvation potential on Tuesday. Rubio will deliver the Republican response to next’s week annual State of the Union address in English – and Spanish.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I am not sure at this point…I do like Allan West, and at one time I liked Rubio but his stance on illegal immigrants is no different than the current administration. I think that Christie is a long shot as well as Ryan. It seems that there is no one person who stands out in the party at this time…we really need another Ronald Regan.

  2. Allan West, HAH! I needed a good laugh this morning! Gov. Christie would become one of our best Presidents almost immediately. He's not afraid to stand up to his own party and telling them they're wrong which is why he will ultimately not get the nomination.

    Rubio will probably get it because he's a numb nut and a good little right ring soldier who regurgitates all the right alarmist wingnut hyperbole and talking points and says everything the teabaggers love to hear. Oh, and Jesus is our only savior. Guess that means he'd PRAY our debt away as President….

  3. @Justin We can debate policy all day long, but your disdain for people who believe in something other/higher than themselves is hard to understand. The very foundations of our Western conceptions of natural rights, public dissent, human rights, etc. and so on are all directly traceable to the Judeo/Christian tradition. Why the hostility?

  4. No, our founders were deists who believed in a creator, not a Christian god, a concept many of whom had a disdain for, namely, Thomas Jefferson. Christianity is fascism at its very core. There's no freedom or equal rights, it's BELIEVE OR DIE. We freed ourselves from a "Christian nation", in England who oppressed us because they believed it was their Christian god gave them the right to do so.

    For the record, I don't care what one personally believes, just keep your religion and your bible out of public policy where it doesn't belong.

  5. Almost 150 people from 13 very different states signed the declaration of independence and constitution. That's a pretty large group. Like most large groups they had different beliefs. You had Deist, Unitarians, Congregationalists, Anglicans, Catholics, Quakers, Lutherans, Methodist, etc… Very disingenuous to label them all as deist.

  6. …including the Rev. John Witherspoon of New Jersey, the only active clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence.

  7. Very diverse groups, you had guys like Franklin and Jefferson who were Deist, and on the other side of the coin you Rev. John Witherspoon a fundamentalist Christian.

  8. @Stephen And even Jefferson wasn't hostile to Christianity. He wrote his own Bible! He didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus and strongly opposed mixing church and state (see his battles in VA), but he thought Christian moral teachings were an important part of the new world they were building and held the historical Jesus in very high regard as a teacher. Hence, why he tried to reorganize the New Testament to fit his own ideas of Christianity.

  9. Right, I never said Jefferson was hostile to religion. Both he and Franklin respected organized religion they believed it was a way of helping men be good. Everyone who signed the declaration and constitution came from a different background and had different struggles throughout his life. I just have a problem when people label them all as Christians or all as Deist. Did Christianity influence them, yes. Did other secular writings influence them, yes.

  10. The best thing about our Founding Fathers is that they were farmers, businessmen, clergymen, and tradesmen FIRST and politicians second. Our current politicians should take a lesson from them.

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