By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

I’m not sure whether I’ve ever read a PEOPLE magazine, Save Jerseyans, but I will this Friday when Governor Chris Christie graces its latest cover.
A preview of the PEOPLE interview is here.
The Governor discusses the Jersey Shore after Sandy, Election 2016, his lap band, Real House Wives of New Jersey and yes, romance, vis-à-vis his discussion of Mother’s Day 2013 with his wife Mary Pat:
He actually got a hotel room and we ordered room service for dinner. And we weren’t disturbed,” she said. “It was a really great hotel with good food and it as really romantic and we left at 11 o’clock. We didn’t stay over, which, I think, was the coolest thing about it.”
That little bit of sharing won’t hurt his already high-for-a-Republican poll numbers with women. In the interim, our GOP Governor is building quite a collection of press clippings; you’ll recall that TIME magazine gave him the cover in January. Not a bad start to 2013 for the Big Guy…