You’ve Worn Me Out

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

nj flagIt’s official, Save Jerseyans.

I’m exhausted and it’s your fault.

Not all of you, of course. Not even a majority of you. But there’s a strong plurality out there in this blog’s ever-expanding online audience that I’m simply tired of managing.

Who are the prime offenders? They fall into general two groups: (1) those who refuse to back fellow Republicans who aren’t 100% ideologically pure, and (2) those who refuse to support Republicans who are actually willing to engage the liberals.

Wednesday’s events in Washington, D.C. and right here at home in the Garden State crystallized the Republican Party’s problems for anyone actually paying attention. Chiefly among them that we’re not really “a party” anymore in any meaningful sense of the word.

You’re little better than children although, if we’re being honest, at least kids can claim ignorance as a defense for their bad behavior. What’s yours?

Let’s stop pretending that any of you WANT to get along and win. It’s bunk. Ask Ted Cruz whether he feels like John McCain and Peter King are “on his team.” With friends like those, who the hell needs Democrats? Conversely, the GOP might control the U.S. Senate today had not some of the same folks who backed Ted Cruz in Texas put forth absurdly flawed senatorial candidates in Indiana, Missouri and other American states in 2012.

These folks care more about kicking each other out of the GOP than making sure that Harry Reid loses his job next fall.

The truth? Our glorious Reagan Coalition isn’t fracturing. It’s shattered, but no one even seems interested in picking up the pieces while the opportunistic Democrats clean up after successive victory balloon drops.

Republican problems runs deep. You wouldn’t believe how many people in New Jersey Republican politics told me that they refused to support Steve Lonegan on Wednesday. Steve Lonegan would likely be a Senator-elect today had roughly 2/3 of the folks who voted for Chris Christie in 2009 shown up for the former Bogota Mayor, too. I’m sure they’ll be the first ones to rail against those darn “impractical tea party” when some of’em sit out next month’s gubernatorial and legislative elections, abstentions which could make the difference in a few close state assembly races.

So I’m done, Save Jerseyans. Over. Finished. Fin!

With blogging? Or the Republican Party? No. I’ll be damned if the morons are rewarded for acting like idiots.

I’m resolved to never, ever, EVER again devote my valuable energy and time to trying to keep you people from killing each other. Go ahead and do it for all I care!

Instead, we’re going to do much more of what we do best here at Save Jersey: articulate/teach/explain conservative ideas with an unapologetically Jersey flare.

Sorry, but I find the other options downright unpalatable. I can’t spend every moment of every day angry at people who are never going to live up to my expectations and standards more than 70 or 80% of the time. Likewise, I reject the misguided notion that we can win elections and advance Republican principles by passively accepting flawed liberal premises (e.g. the minimum wage, the DREAM Act, etc.). No longer.

It’s the best I can do. Frankly, I think it’s what we need more of at the moment. It’s also the absolute only way I can convince myself that continuing to devote time to this enterprise is still worth it. Did I mention that you’ve worn me out? Here’s hoping you feel at least a little guilty about it; that would at least prove you’re still capable of some human emotions and inclinations other than a desire to brutalize each other why the Left continues to hijack our country.

You’ve proven how working to Save Jersey by trying to save the GOP from itself is a fool’s errand. Lesson learned.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. "I can’t spend every moment of every day angry at people who are never going to live up to my expectations and standards more than 70 or 80% of the time"

    ….I wasn't aware that we were supposed to live up to your expectations EVER, Matt….Who elected you to be in that judgmental position? I don't feel guilty in the least, I AM VERY CAPABLE of human emotions, proof of that is I REF– USE to participate in the mud slinging that you and many others scream out as the norm. Your comment is very closed minded, and over zealous. Open your mind to other ideas Matt, at the very least just listen….it does not mean you have to embrace them, you just might learn something new that you didn't know before…(But I still like you!) 🙂 Missy

  2. You are right! While there should be room for everyone at our table, time is best spent opposing those in control who are systematically destroying all that has made America the greatest nation on earth!! We're all saddened and frustrated today. The fight for freedom must go on! I applaud you for having the courage of your convictions!

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