By Save Jersey Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
It’s a big week for the Garden State, Save Jerseyans, and that means your intrepid Save Jersey team will be very busy (and visible) in the coming days.
Here are just three initial items to keep in mind:
(1) On Saturday morning at 10 a.m., our Blogger-in-Chief Matt Rooney will appear on Sue Ann Penna’s popular Common Sense Radio program to discuss his strong opposition to this year’s Ballot Question #2.
You can listen online by clicking here.
(2) Managing Editor Brian McGovern will return to New Jersey Power & Politics on News 12. The show multiple times over the weekend: Saturday, Nov. 2nd and Sunday Nov. 3rd at 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on each day. Tune in to see Brian debate and discuss Ballot Question #2 and speculation concerning Governor Christie’s coattails on Election Day…
(3) And of course, Save Jersey will host ongoing online coverage of Election Night 2013 via and our many social media platforms, including ongoing reports and commentary from Matt Rooney, Nicole Sanders, Susanne LaFrankie and other contributors from both the Asbury Park Christie Victory celebration and other key campaign locations around the state…
Please check back regularly between now and Election Night for updates and additions!