By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Our 2013 New Jersey political power list is a little more simplistic than most, Save Jerseyans, but we’re big into hyper-realism around here.
This is what it all boils down to:
(1) Christopher J. Christie
(2) George Norcross III
(3) Super PACS
(4) A bunch of Big Labor Democrats and campaign pros who answer to GN3 or one of his capable lieutenants
(5) NJ GOP community: a healthy-sized group of Republican electeds/lobbyists/donors/professionals/operatives/socialites who are directly accountable to CJC or one of his capable lieutenants
(6) Assorted smart folks who write/report/analyze stuff worth reading: including but not limited (entirely) to Bob Ingle/Matt Katz/Matt Friedman/Charlie Stile/Art Gallagher/Brian McGovern/Dan Cirucci/NJ 101.5/Bill Spadea/Patrick Murray – tie
(7) Public Sector Unions (down from the #1 spot in 2009 – Chris Christie’s greatest accomplishment)
(8) Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen (down from the #2 spot in 2009)
(9) 1,730,896 DEM 2013 legislative votes, all thanks to the late Alan Rosenthal’s embarrassingly-bad and unconstitutional redistricting map
(10) 1,854,422 GOP 2013 legislative votes, see rationale for #9
Note: Cory Booker isn’t included because, as regular readers know, he represents Twitter and not New Jersey.
Did we miss someone/something else?
I’m pretty sure that covers it, but since we also believe in keeping the “social” in social media, feel free to disagree with me in the comments section.