Christie Signs 12 Bills, Vetoes 10 Others

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Christie at desk signing budgetHe isn’t holding an public events today, Save Jerseyans, but that doesn’t mean a lot isn’t happening behind closed doors, and all of it doesn’t revolve around Bridgegate.

A full list:


S-512/A-1399 (Norcross, Madden/Wilson, Singleton, Coughlin, Riley) – Authorizes payment of funeral expenses for certain public safety employees killed in line of duty

S-2779/A-4222  (Vitale, Codey/Conaway, Benson, Munoz, Handlin) – Allows practitioner with financial interest in health care service providing lithotripsy to refer patients to that health care service if certain conditions are met

S-2984/A-4521 (Norcross/Wilson, Fuentes) – Amends special charter of Gloucester City in Camden County to revise method of election of members of Common Council

SJR-31/AJR-51 (Weinberg, Ruiz/Vanieri Huttle, Johnson, Gusciora, Lampitt) – Designates October of each year as “Disability History and Awareness Month” and encourages instruction concerning disabilities in the public schools

A-581/S-645 (Spencer, Johnson/Pou, Scutari) – Authorizes the court to credit a person in default of a court-imposed financial obligation under certain circumstances

A-1523  (Burzichelli, Quijano, DeAngelo, Riley) – Removes requirement that certain telecommunications companies file tariffs with BPU; requires them to provide certain information to public via their website; allows them assess late payment charge on unpaid bills

A-1545/S-2116 (Burzichelli, Rumana, Moriarty/Oroho, Stack) – Revises law concerning certain professional and occupational licenses

A-1825/S-2093 (Conaway/Weinberg, Allen) – Requires DOE to develop educational fact sheet for distribution to parents concerning sports-related eye injuries

A-2132/S-2181 (Burzichelli, Benson, Riley, Moriarty, Caride/Greenstein) – Authorizes BPU to promulgate regulations requiring electricity providers to provide information so customers may compare prices and services

A-3586/S-2756 (Conaway, Jimenez/Vitale, Singer) – Removes statutory authority of DOH and Board of Medical Examiners over medical standards governing declarations of death upon the basis of neurological criteria

A-3625/S-2343 (Eustace, Benson, Jimenez, Green, Wimberly, Sumter/Ruiz, Beach) –

Requires emergency operations plans in certain senior occupied buildings

A-3997/S-3076 (Casagrande, Singleton, Benson, Handlin, Jimenez/Ruiz, Sweeney) –

Prohibits inclusion of bonus in employment contract of school superintendent for reducing number of out-of-district placements of students with special education needs


S-450/A-3420 (Turner, Greenstein/Andrzejczak, Albano, Benson, Moriarty) – ABSOLUTE – Requires property tax bills to contain eligibility information on State tax relief programs – click here for veto message

S-1264/A-1261 (Vitale, Coughlin/Sumter) – ABSOLUTE – Clarifies deadline to request mail-in ballot application – click here for veto message

S-2389/A-3737 (Norcross, Gordon/Giblin, Wisniewski, Stender, S. Kean, Johnson) – ABSOLUTE – Concerns occupational safety and health for public employees of certain interstate authorities  – click here for veto message

SCS for S-2965/ACS for A-4444 (Sweeney, Gill/Riley, Wisniewski, Benson, Lampitt, Moriarty) – ABSOLUTE – Establishes “College Affordability Study Commission” to examine issues and develop recommendations to increase the affordability of higher education in New Jersey – click here for veto message

AS for ACS for A-321/S-2910 (Dancer, Singleton, Benson, Giblin, Mosquera/Sweeney) – CONDITIONAL – Establishes four-year pilot program in Ocean County for electronic monitoring of certain domestic violence offenders; designated as “Lisa’s Law”; appropriates $1 million – click here for veto message

A-2887/S-2758 (Chivukula, McKeon, Stender,/Whelan, Greenstein) – ABSOLUTE – Requires Energy Master Plan to include long-term capacity planning and infrastructure planning – click here for veto message

A-3445/S-1804 (Quijano, Cryan, Vanieri Huttle/Van Drew) – CONDITIONAL – Permits pet owners to board public transportation with domesticated animals during emergency evacuation – click here for veto message

A-3972/S-2763 (Jasey, DeCroce, Caputo, Singleton, Wimberly/Ruiz, Turner) – ABSOLUTE – Establishes task force to study issues related to the establishment of full-day kindergarten – click here for veto message

A-4097 /S-2786 (Vanieri Huttle, Gusciora/Vitale, Weinberg) – ABSOLUTE – Revises procedure for issuance of amended birth certificate for person who has undergone change in sex – click here for veto message

A-4339/S-2918 (Riley, Mosquera, Lampitt, Benson/Madden, Bateman) – CONDITIONAL – Establishes “Mom2Mom Peer Support Program” telephone helpline – click here for veto message

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8758 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Yes … Prima facie evidence on his secret ownership of Newarks Logan Hall and Delaney Hall ….. Conflict of interest ‘ creating legislature that your two facilities benefits … I was present during the Logan Hall Prison Riot and had multiple communications with his office ….. The media got the story 100 % incorrect especially the New York Times

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