By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) is cosponsoring H.R. 3685, the “Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act,” Save Jerseyans, along with several other House members including Frank Lobiondo (NJ-02) and Jon Runyan (NJ-03).
What’s that? I’m glad you asked! The bill is designed as a “permanent fix” which would exempt our volunteer first responders from the evil side-effects of Obamacare’s individual mandate.
Lance is even coming home next week to drum up support for this much-needed legislative relief…
“There is great uncertainty in volunteer fire departments across the country, and right here in New Jersey, about the negative consequences of ObamaCare’s employer mandate,” said Lance in a press release announcing his upcoming visit to the Holland Township Volunteer Fire Company in Hunterdon County. “Volunteers are volunteers. Counting volunteer firefighters as paid employees under ObamaCare threatens public safety. A permanent legislative solution in needed to ensure that these brave men and women are protected from ObamaCare’s employer mandate and can continue to serve their communities.”
The President had promised a waiver from the requirement that all employers provide health insurance to volunteers working thirty or more hours per week.
It’s the least he can do. The National Association of Counties (NACO) projects that approximately 69% of America’s firefighters serve their communities in a volunteer capacity; were the mandate to remain in effect, cost overruns would inevitably close thousands of volunteer companies across the county. New Jersey is no exception to the rule. According to the National Fire Association, 75.4% of New Jersey’s 689 fire departments are all-volunteer. Another 13.7% are partially staffed by volunteers.
Rep. Lance isn’t a newcomer to the Obamacare watchdog brigade. He’s been tenacious in examining Obamacare’s failings (and the Administration’s agents behind it) as a member of the House’s Energy and Commerce Committee.
Here are the event details if you want to stop by, say hello or thank you:
WHO: Congressman Leonard Lance, Assemblyman Erik Peterson and members of the Holland Volunteer Fire Company
WHAT: Exempt volunteer fire departments from ObamaCare’s employer mandate
WHERE: Holland Township Volunteer Fire Co.
971 Milford-Warren Glen Rd.
Milford NJ 08848WHEN: Thursday, January 23, 11am