Cobb Responds to Norcross Launch

Garry Cobb

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

garry cobb interview
Garry Cobb

Despite the fact that he told South Jersey Republicans he plans to run for Rob Andrews’s House seat in November, Save Jerseyans, former NFL great Garry Cobb issued a less-than-committal statement through his spokesman on Monday evening following the campaign launch of his would-be presumptive opponent, state Senator Donald Norcross.

“I am giving the race very serious thought,” said Cobb. “Folks I talk to are very concerned about jobs and the economy. They want someone in this seat who is on their side, who puts them first, not the party bosses.”

“I am used to working hard on the field to succeed,” continued Cobb. “I love competition. If I run, we will make this race competitive, and we will win.”

Insiders still say Cobb is planning to run but, for whatever reason, prefers to adopt a superficially circumspect approach to the race until his official announcement which could come any day now. Stay tuned…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. So let me understand this…Rob Andrews is leaving Congress before he gets busted for his slimy tactics and Donald Norcross wants to take his place? Why bother? Aren’t they exactly the same person?

  2. He won’t win as an R against the Norcross Machine. He knows that. He may well be unwilling to lose. It is a huge investment of time and money with almost no chance of reward. He would be better off buying a lottery ticket.

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