MacArthur TV Ad: Lonegan is “Shameful”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Steve Lonegan opened the door on both mayors’ respective tax records in this year’s contentious CD3 primary, Save Jerseyans, and Tom MacArthur’s campaign is charging right through it with a rebuttal ad that’s going up today:


MacArthur GC Chris Russell tells Save Jersey that it’s a simple issue of hypocrisy. “When touting his record in Bogota, Steve Lonegan has been about as honest as Barack Obama has been touting Obamacare,” Russell said. “The fact is that Lonegan raised taxes 9 times, raided surplus and begged Trenton almost every year for taxpayer-funded bailouts to balance his budget. So much for the ‘true’ conservative.”

To clarify, Lonegan hasn’t proposed a federal “tax hike” per se (e.g. raising the federal gas tax); MacArthur’s ad takes square aim at Lonegan’s support for a flat tax, a concept popularized by Jack Kemp and supported by many conservatives which would, necessarily, raise rates on folks at the bottom of the income spectrum including some whose effective tax rate is zero.

David Camp recently attempted to thread the needle with a compromise plan to appease both strick supply-siders and old school budget hawks. I said on Tuesday that it’s a debate worth having in this primary.

The CD3 primary is heating up on multiple other fronts, too, including a recent exchange when MacArthur personally penned a letter to Lonegan for promoting a Red State post that included information from his daugher’s Facebook page, a charge that the Lonegan camp dismissed outright.

Am I the only one looking forward to the debate(s)?



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Um why are you not thrashing this ad for being inaccurate because it is hypocritical? Is it because MacArthur just cedes the point that he in fact raised taxes? Or do you only say nice things about the people who advertise on your website. Just so you know, I have no dog in this fight. I think both candidates are pathetic. Lonegan because he is way to crazy and MacArthur because he is attempting to buy this seat.

  2. I think you’re missing the point, friend. They BOTH raised taxes when they served as mayors. I’m arguing that it’s goofy to call someone a liberal for doing the same thing that the accuser did. How can I express myself any clearer?

  3. Lonegan was in city council for twelve years and kept taxes below inflation. MacArthur was mayor for only one year and still managed to raise taxes. Remember, MacArthur repeatedly ran on not raising taxes and then raised them.

    Yes, MacArthur balanced the budget by raising taxes!

  4. MacArthur did himself no favors with this ad. He is more likeable than Lonegan and has more money, I’ll grant him that, and he’s using the latter to kill the former by going negative. Way to go, man. But then, I’m not in CD3 anyway.

  5. Dude I get what you are attempting to do, you are just being as nimble as a virgin on prom night. When you compare the articles you bash Lonegan for being hypocritical but in this article you let MacArthur’s GC/Spokesperson give an explanation for the ad, and mention nothing about MacArthur raising taxes. You do slightly defend Lonegan, but a paragraph about how MacArthur raised taxes would probably be more appropriate.

  6. Are we all missing the point here? Steve Lonegan is poison, plain and simple. Yes, MacArthur and Lonegan have similar records as Mayor, but Lonegan has WAY more baggage. He would get eaten up and spit out by the DCCC and wouldn’t have the money to compete. Also, cut out the “true conservative” BULL. Tom is no more moderate/liberal than Lonegan, and unlike a lot of you who comment on this thread, I live in the district and can tell you that it is a moderate one. This district went for Obama in 08 and 12. Substance AND style matter. And Lonegan’s inflammatory, abrasive style is a recipe for disaster in November.

  7. Noonan, give Matt credit, he’s the only member of the media in the entire state consistently reporting on this race. What have you done lately to advance the cause? If Matt was truly in the tank for MacArthur he never would’ve posted Lonegan’s TV spot, which is a very effective ad against Tom, in my opinion. I’d also be willing to bet we see a Lonegan interview not too far down the road. I’ve been reading this blog since ’09 and have never known it to be anything but fair and balanced. If you have a problem with SaveJersey, don’t read it. I’m sure could use some more trolls go over there

  8. I give him a lot of credit for covering this race, I think it is very important. I am sure he will have very fair coverage on this race. I was just confused by some of the things he said and his explanations. I will look forward to reading the coverage on Lonegan and beating up on him. Also, I have done plenty for the conservative and GOP cause in NJ and across the USA, going back to early in the 2000s.

  9. i’d like to see here in NJ’s 3 CD reference to either burlington or ocean county issues as that is where they are running. if it turns into, like it has, lonegan – gonegan is not welcome in THIS community. if someone is hell bent on causing a divisive wedge in the primary, loneagan-gonegan takes the cake. at least MacArthur is going around the district introducing himself. lonegan-gonegan has he ever been to mt. holly and met the people he so claims he wants to represent. Whats that i hear “HYPOCRITE”. JIA

  10. I have attended various events and rallies that were spearheaded by Steve Lonegan over the past few years on behalf of fellow New Jerseyans. Went to DC with him and his group a couple of times for anti-Obamacare rallies. Also went with them on a trip to NYC for a rally against RGGI where we were joined by Hermann Cain. Observed him testifying to legislative bodies in Trenton and giving support to Diane Allen and Mike Doherty at an anti-RGGI event in Burlington City. Have attended a couple of seminars his staff gave on topics such as social media. Sarah Palin and Mark Levin spoke at a rally on his behalf when he was running for senator last year. He has been a tenacious fighter for the rights of the people of New Jersey, and I would be proud to have him as my Congressman.

  11. Like his former “good friend” Murray Sabrin, Losergan is a political suicide bomber intent on not only blowing himself up but making sure he takes alot of Republicans down with him. At least MacArthur owns a house on LBI for several years, pays property and school taxes to the district, and is alot more familiar with issues relating to the Jersey Shore and Hurricane Sandy. Besides, when the chips were on the line and votes were taken in Congress, MacArthur supported federal relief which both Losergan and Sabrin opposed. Subsequently, when he ran for Senate, Losergan tried to dance around the Sandy issue by saying he only opposed the version passed by Congress, which is the same excuse other Republicans used to vote against it. Losergan isn’t fooling anybody, and if he should happen to win the primary no doubt his Democratic opponent will use Losergan’s own words and statements against him.

  12. One more time: “They BOTH raised taxes when they served as mayors. I’m arguing that it’s goofy to call someone a liberal for doing the same thing that the accuser did.” Save your breath, Rooney. They don’t want to hear logic.

  13. Matt Rooney: Is there any chance of a debate occurring? Because I would pay all kinds of money to see that.

  14. I’m in CD4, but the CD3 race is really difficult to pin down. But I think both candidates should be ashamed of themselves for being so political. Call me old-fashioned, but I wish politics could just consist of candidates trying to convince people why they’re the best candidate – not why their opponent is the worst candidate. I don’t know which of these two I like more – and I don’t think they differ much on policy – but I’m not very pleased with either one of them, and there’s no doubt the Democrats will use the info dug up by both campaigns about the other to their advantage come November.

  15. What is there to debate? Presumably they both agree on the same issues. The only issue is which one raised taxes more when they were Mayor. Like most debates in GOP primaries it will inevitably turn personal and nasty, because there simply isn’t anything else to debate.

  16. yes, there is nothing left to debate…like say keeping a robust mega-base, promoting equity in the shore’s fishery, advocating for the shore economy, bridged to maritime issues on the delaware, assistance to the elderly, immigration, economic growth, the hx of the district as a moderate district, federal highway funds for the GSP, future of the shore and FEMA funds, the status of the integrity of the pine barrens, foreign affairs, which one knows the district better….the list is endless. there is way to debate then what either did up in another area. which one knows the district better, which one is reaching out to the residents of the district….yep nothing else to debate….jia

  17. There’s some truth to that. Absolutely. I said it earlier in the week: this primary is largely a matter of picking which personality/packaging CD3 GOP’ers prefer.

  18. If you moderate, do not allow them to go negative for any reason. Let them present positions and ask each other questions but get the mike away from any candidate who tries to violate Reagan’s 11th commandment.

  19. Name two Republicans who would disagree on any of those issues. Do you think one is opposed and the other in favor of keeping a “robust mega base”? Do you think either of them is against “advocating for the Jersey Shore, promoting fishing, etc.”? Since this is a GOP primary do you think either of them would advocate for immigration amnesty, DREAM Act, etc.? Do you really expect either of these two candidates to differ on issues relating to the elderly, taxes, economic growth etc.? All they will do is keep trying to outflank each other on conservative positions, A “debate” between them will consist of each saying his “conservatism” is bigger than his opponent’s “conservatism”. Since there is no real “debate” or differences on key issues, that is why both candidates have gone personal and negative against each other. Any “debate” between them will be nothing but a beauty contest based on which of them is more likeable and capable of beating the Democrat.

  20. Absolutely I’d participate! You could even rig up one of those poll things they use on TV to show how people feel about the candidates in real time.

  21. funny that lets see what lonegan-gonegan has spoken about the base. zip. nj’s sport fishery and commerical fishery is under pressure. lonegan-gonegan is from where…bogota. last time lonegan-gonegan had anything to say about water resources was some stupid ass comment in a debate that people laughed about. the issues facing the nation and congress are substantive. l/g in congress is a person who makes such comments in a debate (there is a time and place for everything), will move into a district to run and display other characteristics un-be-fitting of leadership. to beat the dems it would be nice for whoever is running knows the district and the people of the district and their issues. where’s MAC….seems he’s out and about the district meeting folks and such. that wins elections. where’s lonegan ? gonegan…

  22. Since both of these gents are fairly conservative, the real issue should be which one of them can retain this seat in November?

    Doesn’t it seem obvious that there is something about Lonegan that keeps him from winning higher office. He is 0 for 5 in that regard.

    ‘3’ is a charm-not ‘6.’

    Since becoming mayor, he has lost bids for state assembly, congressman, governor (twice), and senator.

    Hey, Steve, how about giving someone else a chance or is it all about you?

  23. When a man serves 12 years as mayor and total municipal taxes are LOWER than they were in real terms when he took office, accusing him of “6 tax hikes” (nominal presumably?) is only made stupider by touting opposition to a flat tax as some kind of conservative credential.

    Speaking of hypocrisy… I notice our host condemned Steve for going negative in pointing out, accurately, that MacArthur supports COAH, but seems to think this totally false attack on Steve is fine.

    “Shameful” indeed describes this spot perfectly.

  24. That second part re: COAH just isn’t accurate, Phil. Complying with a mandate isn’t the same as endorsing or supporting the existence of a mandate.

  25. Why do you suppose the establishment went out to find a candidate when they already had Steve Lonegan, who by the way, already won the district against a very popular Democrat. Not only was he outspent 8-1, but he got more votes in this district than Mitt Romney did (look it up). This speaks volumes to any voter who is sick and tired of the establishment and the corrupt crony capitalism that continues to exist. Ever hear MacArthur talk about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights? Steve Lonegan has talked about it numerous times, and has been a fierce fighter and defender. Look that up too. Do you want an establishment crony, or do you want a man of the people willing to go to Washington to fight for we the people. See what Lonegan has proposed for the IRS. He has never waivered and has always walked the walk. He led buses down to Washington with protesters to fight the impeimentation of Obamacare. I know, because I received those phone calls to go, as well as many other calls to join him in the fight against big government policies and intrusion of our freedom and Liberties. He has been doing this for quite some tiime. Every voter needs to do their own homework and see who will make their lives better. Macarthur or Lonegan! I know as a fact it will be Steve Lonegan!

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