NRCC Labels MacArthur “Contender”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

capitol buildingThe National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has added CD3 GOP candidate Tom MacArthur to its ‘Contender’ in the NRCC’s ‘Young Guns’ program, Save Jerseyans.

“Voters believe strongly that the country is on the wrong track because of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s failed legislation, like ObamaCare,” said NRCC Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) in a press release announcing the decision. “Tom MacArthur has reached the ‘Contender’ status because he is exemplary of the new leadership needed in Washington D.C. to turn our country around and provide a check and balance in Washington. I am confident that Tom will continue to work hard for his district and bring sound, conservative principles to Congress.”

The program, co-founded in the 2007-2008 election cycle by Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan (R-WI), seeks to secure resources and technical support for worthy “young” House candidates.

MacArthur is now only #26 on the elite “contender” list selected from among all 435 U.S. House districts on the line this November. Other participants include takeover district candidates-turned-national rock stars like Mia Love (UT-04). It’s a major coup for the fall campaign assuming, of course, that he overcomes Steve Lonegan’s off-the-line primary challenge on June 3rd.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Lonegan is his only obstacle and a small one at that. Those outside his echo chamber of kool aid drinkers see his record for what it is- that of a
    Tax and spend liberal without any ability to govern effectively and efficiently. Last week’s “bombshell” went over like a fart at a funeral. Just like Aimee Belgard, there is no message let alone any money to back it up. MacArthur wins in a rout this primary cycle and the DCCC forgets Aimee Belgard’s phone number.

  2. Le’s all calm down for a moment and remember the most recent polling shows Lonegan leading MacArthur 42% to 2%. It will be almost impossible for him to turn a 40 point deficit in to even a narrow victory in just a couple of weeks. I like MacArthur better than Lonegan, and I’m voting for him in the primary. But the numbers don’t look too great for MacArthur.

  3. He’s Tom MacArthur and he approves this message. Oh, and that Steve Lonegan is the spawn of Satan and eats the heads of babies and boils little puppy dogs in oil. That pretty much sums up the entire MacArthur campaign. Pathetic. This clown is such a weak candidate, he makes Alvin Greene and Dede Scozzafava look good. Hey, maybe Georgy Porgy Gilmore can recruit one of them the next time a conservative candidate tries to seek office in the area!

  4. You are hilarious. You think the guy who has posed legal challenges to excessive borrowing from both major parties is liberal and the guy who is on record as supporting national health care and progressive taxation is conservative. I think you have very different definitions of what those words mean than I do.

  5. No point in engaging a member of the aforementioned echo chamber. Lonegans borrow and spend record as mayor is his only sorry record to hang his hat on. The guy could get caught with a dead body in his trunk and you’d call the cops a bunch of RINOs and you’d probably still vote for him.

    That doesn’t make him a good candidate. It makes you an idiot.

  6. That poll was conducted in the beginning of March, 3 months from primary day, before the people of CD3 got to meet the real Steve Lonegan. More than enough time to move numbers.

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