Will Donkey’s Demise Mobilize Dems Behind Israel?

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

DonkeyOne of my favorite bloggers is another Matt – Matt Walsh – who recently turned the faux Kendall Jones safari controversy on its head and outed liberals for caring more about animal life than human lives. ‘Situational ethics’ is the fancy way to describe their worldview. Morally bankrupt and logically inconsistent are my preferred ways to phrase it, Save Jerseyans.

Think about it: how many liberals do you know are less offended by late term abortion than Pacific whale poaching? Or “bullying”? Or Jews terrorized by terrorist rocket fire?

The last point is particularly relevant given what’s happening overseas right now. It’s no secret that the modern Democrat Party is nursing an antisemitic streak, one that manifested itself most vividly at the 2012 DNC when a clear majority of delegates booed a resolution supporting Israel’s right to exist. Secretary of State John Kerry recently referred to Israel as an “apartheid state” so please, don’t try to tell me I’m wrong. I’m not. The lid is off the jar.

Here’s the “good” news today out of Israel, Save Jerseyans, occurring 48 hours into an Israeli military operation designed to disrupt Gaza tunnel networks whereby Palestinian terrorists infiltrate and attack Jewish settlements: the IDF is reporting that they’ve successfully stopped a suicide donkey (yes, you read that correctly) from being used to blow up its soldiers.

The weaponized pack animal was intercepted at a safe distance and, unfortunately, blow to smithereens after it began to suspiciously wander towards Israeli soldiers without a rider.

Why is this good?

Well, since we know how our liberal friends feel about animal, perhaps this incident will rally them to our side? Behind Israel? Instead of perpetually in opposition to its every action taken in self-defense? I scanned PETA’s website this morning but found only stories about opossum abuse (one of the great challenges of our times, no doubt) and a challenge issued to Kevin Spacey regarding an upcoming barbecue that he’s hosting. Weighty stuff.

Need I remind Dems that the donkey is their mascot?

And what we, as Americans, would do to defend ourselves if, hypothetically speaking, gangs with guns suddenly began invading the Southwestern United States from Mexico and terrorizing our people?

Oh… wait a second…

In any event, we’re going to continue praying for Israel and speaking out in its defense. We’ll pray just as fervently for anti-Israel Democrats to quit acting like jackasses and reshuffle their priorities.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. @Chad Not mutually exclusive goals. I would argue that they’re inextricably connected.

  2. Because that “damn country” is the only civilized democracy in the entire region Chad. Not to mention a country that has made more advances in technology and medicine to benefit mankind than virtually any other country on the globe in the last 50 years. Educate yourself a bit before making such dopey comments.

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