By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Fending off foreign intriguers and Communist conspirators isn’t cheap, Save Jerseyans.
According to IRS filings for the legal defense fund of Senator Robert “Hudson Bob” Menendez (D-Dominican Republic, Ecuador) released Tuesday, the Cuban conspiracy *cough cough* to undermine the sitting Senate Foreign Relations Chairman is a $700,000 endeavor to date.
Nice, right?
Our state’s senior senator now owns the distinction of being the U.S. Senate’s most frequently investigated member, gracing the headlines annually for one poor decision or questionable association after another, but a full 1 1/2 after the New York Times called on Harry Reid to take his gavel away, the man who is also Congress’s senior most foreign policy leader remains at his post without a single call – right or left – for his removal.
Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt regarding the D.R. story. I have before. Maybe Castro’s Cuba is trying to destroy him (the “why” remains unclear since he’s hardly the first senior congressman to take a hard line on Cuba).
But did a Cuban agent force him to associate with shady characters? Compel him to improperly accept donor-financed trips? Trick him into curiously coming to the aid of Ecuadorian bankers?
Mind you, none of this has anything to do with the Daily Caller‘s integrity or ideological turf wars, Save Jerseyans.
The relevant inquiry: at a time when the Middle East is in flames, Russia is returning to its expansionist ways and America’s enemies are emboldened by a weak presidency, can we afford to have a Senate foreign relations chair who is chronic bad decision-maker?
No! Where there’s smoke there’s fire, folks, and Bob Menendez is a huge liability for the United States of America. I’d like to hear someone say it besides me, and preferably someone with a title.
Let’s organize a volunteer committee to help him pack. I have lots of old moving boxes that have served me well, holding stuff transported from Washington state to Jersey and a couple of in-state moves. I’d be willing to donate them. Maybe t-shirts with his mug on them and a snappy logo like “Send Bob Packing,” or “Put Bob in Hiding Before the Commies Get Him.” Park a U-Haul in front of his local office. Send a crew into it saying, “We’re here on the moving job.” See what happens.
Another Ass Clown Who Makes “The Garden State” Look Like “The Douche Bag State.”
Does The title Mr. count, if so I’m in?
I’m still in disbelief from the last time he was reelected in 2012 (if memory serves me). But then again, people in this state saw the D next to his name and pressed away.
It has been time years ago