Christie seeks contrast with Walker, Bush at CPAC 2015

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

His budget speech wasn’t aimed at contrast, Save Jerseyans, but Chris Christie couldn’t get away from it on Thursday at CPAC 2015 in National Harbor, Maryland, in an interview with Laura Ingraham (see below). Laura’s interview contained most of the meat, including some tough words aimed at his primary rivals:

“If the elites in Washington who make backroom deals decide who the next president is going to be, then he’s definitely going to be the frontrunner,” Christie said of Jeb Bush, who is also speaking at the annual conference.

The latest polls (“Is the election next week?” was the Governor’s response when asked about the polls, btw) indicate that Gov. Christie has tons of ground to make up over the next year before GOP primary participants head to the polls; HOWEVER, as I’ve repeatedly reminded you, the reactions he got from the CPAC crowd are yet another indicator that you can’t count out this uniquely-talented communicator in a street fight. Never. Not until the 10-count, and not a second before.

Of particular interest for those of us who are more likely to pay N.J. property taxes than cast a meaningful primary vote?

Chris Christie told Laura Ingraham, when asked about the New Jersey pension fiasco, that he’d “cut spending if we have to” to balance the budget. Hmmm….

For some good blow-by-blow coverage of the Governor’s speech, click here to read friend and contributor Dan Cirucci’s live blog (he’s on the ground).

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8758 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. He did not answer the illegal immigration question. He has remained silent on the issue and we are not 1 of the 26 states suing the Obama administration on executive amnesty. Just like Obamacare, he stayed out of that as well. I guess he is not “passionate” about it. His answer on Common core was very vague talking out of both sides of his mouth. He only said he has a problem with the “implementation” of it. Even though we are only 1 of nine states left that have not gotten rid of the test. He did not give an opinion of the curriculum which is THE reason for the fight against this test. He knows this, but dismisses it completely. I heard Ted Cruz was the only one who brought up this issue at CPAC without being asked. He is completely against it and laid out why. It seems Christie likes to fly above the fray. Maybe that is why NJ has so many problems. He does not seem to have a grasp on all the issues. Or he does and is okay with it all. Either way he gets everybody pissed. The safe middle does not help him.

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