By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
At first impression, Save Jerseyans, the “We Care About NJ Political Action Committee” is off to a strong start.
The mobbed $100 per head event headlined by Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno at the Eagle Oaks Golf & Country Club in Farmingdale attracted close to 400 attendees on Tuesday evening according to reliable Save Jersey sources.
PAC chair and founder Claire French was the guest of honor. She recently retired after serving 18-years as Monmouth County Clerk and, in her remarks, pledged to spend more time working to benefit veterans in addition to developing the We Care PAC’s operations.
Political watchers believe the PAC is intended to help her long-time friend and ally from Monmouth, Guadagno, although French reportedly hailed incumbent county GOP chairman and Guadagno’s successor as sheriff Shaun Golden as a “rising star;” Golden, who emceed the event, is widely considered to be a future statewide contender in his own right.