By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Here’s a little 2017 news to round out a week dominated by the 2016 cycle:

According to The Auditor, Save Jerseyans, recently retired Monmouth County Clerk Claire French is launching the “We Care About NJ Political Action Committee” later this month with a fundraising event for which Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno is helping raise cash. Save Jersey can independently confirm that paperwork was filed for the PAC at the end of last week.
The LG is considered a leading 2017 GOP prospect and her recent movements in and out of the spotlight haven’t done anything to mute speculation. She faces a potentially interesting field, however, one which could include the likes of Minority Leader Jon Bramnick (R-Union) and Assemblyman Jay Webber. Monmouth itself continues to boast the most prospects of any county (followed closely by Union) including Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon and Chairman/Sheriff Shaun Golden.
She would be a good governor.
And she can carry her county!
She’s fantastic. I would vote for her.
All politicians are self centered but Christie is in a class by himself. Since Christie hogs all attention, I really know very little about her. What are her accomplishments? Beliefs?
Yes !
Already been fooled twice. Not happening a third time. Fulop ’17.
No we are screwed one way or the other Repubican or Democrap
No. She’s learned everything she knows from Christie. How’s that better?
No not at. All
Don’t know a thing about her. So at this point NO.
Quite a diversity of opinion! Glad we asked. For the undecideds… what would you most like to know?
Where does she stand on the 2A? Does she support Conceal Carry? Would she work to fix NJ’s draconian gun laws so law abiding citizens wouldn’t be turned into felons? My guess is no!
We need a conservative
No way. Her pension fraud in the sheriff dept sealed her fare with me long before she was LG!!! Now she’s just learned more fraudulent ways to defraud the taxpayers from her boss.
Absolutely yes
NO! Kim Guadagno placed a friend of hers in a fictitious, non-existent position in the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Department. Why? So her friend can collect a pension and a salary in violation of NJ pension laws. We do not need further corruption and mismanagement in this state. Didn’t we see enough with Christie?