PublicMind Poll: Christie upside down in New Jersey, only 57% of GOP’ers approve

By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog

There’s more sobering news for the Governor of New Jersey this morning, Save Jerseyans, after a Monday Quinnipiac poll showed only 38% of polled Garden State residents approving of his job performance.

Christie TVOn Tuesday, Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind Poll found just 36% approval while 50% who disapprove, a result that’s unchanged from the last survey released in early March.

N.J. Republican support is soft, a story line that made its way to a Drudge headline in the last 24 hours; PublicMind found only a slim majority (57%) approving of their governor’s job performance.

“The governor is trying to make friends in other states perhaps because he has lost so many in New Jersey. He is upside down with almost every group — men, women, whites, people of color, independents, union and non-union households, and every age group,” opined Krista Jenkins, director of PublicMind. “With Governor Christie’s attention elsewhere, the public is clearly frustrated with the state’s problems languishing or growing worse.”      

Click here to read the full report.


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  1. Disapprove He has made it harder to live here not better in anyway. He should have been scaling back government and cutting spending, and not just pensions, eliminating fraud and loopholes, he never really tried. Instead we got more spending, more illegals, and costly implementation of common core and PARCC testing, billions in wasted money to AC, a special election in Oct 2013, and every year our property taxes keep going up. Then there is his appointments of liberals and RINOs to the courts, and sricter gun laws. Just to name a few.

  2. We do need immediate actions on his p&h reform by way of immediate executive orders , had enough his town halls! Plus double dippers but he isn’t to blame really try the ones who refuse to cooperate like Sweeney , Prieto . Greenwald and their selfish union heads NJEA are to blame for not negotiating but just stalling !

  3. Look what happened last time Sweeney and the rest cooperated with Christie and pushed Chapter 78 with the promise from the Governor that if they got it passed along with his “toolbox” that he would make all required payments. Why would they believe Christie’s lies again? Fool me once …..

  4. Tell us where the money is governor. Oh, there it is. Going to your brothers firm and the firm that charged us 1.1 billion over the last 2 years to manage our pension funds (but also employs your wife). Didn’t fund management cost around 90 million per year prior to you becoming governor? Five times as much now? Open your eyes people and stop hearing how this is the middle class union employees fault ….

  5. This is where I believe the good governor has failed, he failed to bring any business back of the 70 billion dollars worth of business lost during the Corzine era. He has failed to take on the corruption filled in this state because he does not want to go after the Democrat friends. He has failed at putting together real business solutions for job growth. He has also failed at leading the Republican party when given a chance in New Jersey. All in all he has been a total failure and more jobs will be lost on his watch, and now we all but guaranteed a Democrat Governor who will finish the job that was started years ago.

  6. What a bullshit article!!! Holy crap. At any point did the article mention specific policy decisions made by Christie of which Jerseyans disapprove? If it did I guess I missed it.

    Christie is not CONSERVATIVE ENOUGH! But do you want another “knee pads McGreevey”, Florio or Corzine?

    There was a story put out by Steve Lonnegan that NJ was going to spend 6 billion dollars to buy up open spaces in NJ and remove it from the public domain. That was a real Agenda 21 move and I don’t know if it actually happened but I will check.

    This article says that blacks have turned against Christie as well as unions. That means he is doing a better job than the liberal trash that preceded him.

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