By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
This is too damn funny, Save Jerseyans. Seriously.
As a particularly brutal season of pension-budget warfare comes to a close, and the Governor prepares to launch his presidential campaign, his arch-enemies over at the New Jersey Education Association are calling for his resignation.
“Running New Jersey is a full-time job, and New Jersey residents deserve a full-time governor,” President Wendell Steinhauer offered up in a pre-launch statement. “We face big problems in this state. Our credit rating is a disaster. Our unemployment rate is high. Our economic growth is slow. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our pensions are in crisis. Our schools are underfunded. And now our governor has abandoned the job he has to campaign for the job he really wants. New Jersey’s taxpayers deserve better than a part-time governor who collects a full-time salary while he travels the country to advance his own career, and lets taxpayers pick up the tab.”
I’ll set aside for the moment the fact that the pension crisis is, in large part, the fault of Steinhauer’s public sector union. It’s low-hanging fruit for the Save Jersey audience.
The large-scale anti-Christie counter-protest planned for today is one thing. But does the NJEA chief really think HIS over-the-top opposition on the day of the guy’s presidential moment is going to make it LESS likely for Chris Christie to win the GOP nomination? In the modern Republican Party, public sector unions are about as popular as telemarketers. If Steinhauer wants to help Chris Christie win, then he’ll run into the auditorium screaming and take a dump in the middle of the gym floor. Mike DuHaime would love it. The only folks in Livingston High School today who wouldn’t love it are the janitors.
He’s desperate to get conservatives back (in case you missed it). This NJEA hissy fit won’t hurt the effort.
Want to know why your pension is in rough shape, NJ teachers? To begin with, brain trusts like Mr. Steinhauer are what leads your union…
As if social or fiscal conservatives in NJ are going to be impressed.
Christie’s presidential ship has sailed and he wasn’t aboard.
go away really,,just forget it,,,,sad nj had to have u all this time,,,now u want everyone tooooo,,oh boy…it would be a sad day,,,,,
Time to pretend he is actually Conservative.
CHRISTIE has. No shot at all
Resign because why pay him to play Governor. He has no problem berating teachers to work more.
The njea should take care of their sex problems.
You know something is good when yhe trolls.come out in this kind of force
So people exercising the first amendment are trolls? I guess those protesting at Sweeney’s house last week are also trolls.