By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
He’s not going anywhere, Save Jerseyans. Not yet.
“I don’t share his view,” Christie said, responding to Megyn Kelly on Monday night after Scott Walker dropped from the race AND urged his former candidate colleagues not named Trump to do the same. “I don’t think there’s anything dangerous going on. The fact is we’re having a competition. The competition of ideas and personalities and approach and vision will be what will determine this.”
Watch (at the 4:23 mark):
Christie’s new #1 goal? Scoop up Scott Walker’s donors and campaign operatives.
Do you think he should quit?
IMHO, Christie is NOT going to survive past New Hampshire. But, there are indeed some candidates that should get out now (Santorum, Huckabee, Jindahl, Graham & Gilmore Who?) coalesce behind a couple of candidates that COULD take down Trump. IF Christie survives New Hampshire, it may come down to Bush, Rubio, Trump and Christie or Fiorina. But, in a sense Walker is right.
If, by the same scale used against Walker, then Santorum, Jindhal and Graham should exit NOW. If Christie & Kasich do not do well in New Hamphshire, they should consider the same. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/2016_republican_presidential_nomination-3823.html
Candidates will stay in the race as long as their war chests allow them. There is no incentive to quit early until you’re bleeding red ink.
If Christie with Karl Rove’s help could stop the “WOC” War on Cops he could become President! If he does not become President, he will consider himself a Failure as a Person even with being a Governor. It is all or nothing with him and he has been planning this for years and years! Shalom!
Sorry, but that red polo makes the Gov look like a burning dirigible.
Gov. Zeppelin will not go gently into that good night. Behold the demise of the Blimpus Maximus for President campaign:
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