By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
New Jersey communities presently can’t stop an off-track wagering facility from setting up, Save Jerseyans, and one Assembly member thinks that’s wrong.
Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli released a letter penned to the State Attorney General’s office on Tuesday urging a thorough review of a pending application to operate an off-track wagering facility in Hillsborough.
You can read the letter here where Ciattarelli (-Somerset, Hunterdon, Middlesex and Mercer) implores acting Attorney General Hoffman to “precisely and thoroughly review each step in the Hillsborough OTW application to ensure the applicant and the NJRC acted perfectly consistent…with current law.”
The New Jersey Racing Commission (NJRC) green-lighted this particular project on September 16th; final approval from the Office of the Attorney General is the only remaining hurdle.
“Since the time this OTW application came to light, I have vigorously maintained that current law is terribly flawed,” continued Ciattarelli. “These OTWs belong in densely populated urban areas desperately in need of economic development. That’s not Hillsborough. Given the current law, we can now only hope for non-compliance on the part of the applicant. Therefore, I am asking the acting attorney general to make very sure all specified requirements and proper procedures were followed.”
Ciattarelli’s cure for this situation is A-3127 which among other changes, if adopted, would restore a municipality’s right to effectively veto the presence of an off-track wagering business within its own borders.
All other state problems have been solved, I presume.