By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Polling purgatory won’t keep Chris Christie out of the October 28th GOP debate at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Save Jerseyans.
The participants were confirmed on Wednesday and there weren’t any surprises. The debate host, CNBC, averaged polling from ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN and Bloomberg announced between September 20th and October 21st.

The ten combatants: Donald Trump (25%), Ben Carson (20%), Marco Rubio (10%), Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina (8%), Ted Cruz (7%), Mike Huckabee (4%), and finally Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Rand Paul each at 3%.
I’m not sure what it will matter for Christie in all candor.
Living to debate another day isn’t the same thing as improving one’s chances of winning. He did very well at both prior debates, and I think exceptionally well at the last one, but it hasn’t helped him much at all. Even Carly Fiorina’s debate-driven bump has already faded.
Strange times…
Afghanistan (The Taliban) did not do 9-11 but harbored UBL afterward! A SEAL Team could have tracked and captured UBL like they did when our current great leader forced the SEALs to find and capture him! W could not make our SEALs do the Mission but out Current great leader could and did! And UBL is now sleeping with the Fishes! Hoorah and “Go Navy” a global force for good!
Regardless whatever happens to Christie, Obama and HilLIARy are assholes and belong in jail. They’re ruining this country.