By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
Governor Chris Christie acted on a host of bills on Monday, Save Jerseyans, notably by issuing a veto of the so-called Democracy Act designed to help Democrats buy more elections and a conditional veto of the A.C. PILOT program that factored into this year’s contentious LD2 Assembly contest.
Consistent with his rightward turn on gun control issues, Christie also conditionally vetoed Democrat-sponsored gun control legislation, A-4218, purportedly drafted to impact domestic violence and firearms. He previously issued an executive order aimed at making it easier for domestic violence victims to obtain gun permits back in June.
“I urge the Legislature to join with me in a bipartisan manner to broaden this bill’s approach to reducing domestic violence while simultaneously empowering victims to protect themselves through lawful means,” Governor Christie explained in a statement. “Together, we can enact a more comprehensive approach and reduce the harm that domestic violence inflicts on victims, families, and our society.”
A full list of bills signed (and vetoed) is below the fold:
S-2174/A-3364 (Barnes, Holzapfel/Quijano, Mainor, Pinkin) – Prohibits manufacture, sale, or installation of counterfeit or nonfunctional air bags in motor vehicles
A-815/S-852 (Coughlin, Ciattarelli, Diegnan, Pinkin, Giblin/Vitale) – Requires municipalities which license peddlers and solicitors to accept certain background check results from other municipalities
A-1029/S-274 (Benson, Vainieri Huttle, Jasey, Tucker, Wimberly/Greenstein, Ruiz) – Requires training program for school bus drivers and school bus aides on interacting with students with special needs, and requires development and use of student information cards
A-1041/S-2676 (Schaer, Johnson, Vainieri Huttle, Eustace, Mazzeo,/Rumana, Gordon, Weinberg) – Exempts Holocaust reparations payments from legal process, and from estate recovery under Medicaid program
A-1102/S-1145 (Vainieri Huttle, Sumter, Spencer, Schaer, Wimberly/Weinberg, Cruz-Perez) – Provides for licensure of dementia care homes by DOH
ACS for A-1662/S-2856 (Johnson, Lagana, Wimberly/Weinberg) – Authorizes the court to order the deletion, sealing, labeling, or correction of certain personal information in government records involving certain victims of identity theft
AS for A-1678/SS for S-1365 (Johnson, Mainor, O’Scanlon, Wilson, Wimberly/ Weinberg) – Authorizes court to order submission of DNA evidence to national database to determine whether evidence matches known individual or DNA profile from an unsolved crime
AS for ACS for A-2073/SCS for S-712 (Handlin, Space, Garcia, Pintor Marin/Cruz-Perez, Kyrillos, Lesniak) – Exempts certain offers and sales of securities from registration
A-2385/S-944 (McKeon, Diegnan, Jasey, Andrzejczak/Smith, Codey) – Authorizes rural electric cooperative and certain municipalities to establish municipal shared services authority
ACS for A-2477/SCS for S-1705 (Lampitt, Conaway, Benson, Sumter, Munoz, Pinkin/Vitale, Singer) – Establishes requirements for pharmacists to dispense biological products
A-2714/S-1993 (Giblin, Sumter/Barnes) – Requires continuing education for licensed practicing psychologists
A-2936/S-1957 (Mosquera, Lampitt, Singleton, Wimberly/Singer, Connors) – Requires complaint for guardianship of person receiving services from Division of Developmental Disabilities to include one of documents identified in bill
A-3012/S-2296 (Ciattarelli, Dancer/Bateman) – Criminalizes bestiality
A-3079/S-2766 (Jasey, Diegnan, Mainor, Wimberly, Oliver, DeCroce/Turner, Ruiz) – Prohibits administration of standardized assessments in kindergarten through second grade
A-3153/S-2415 (DeAngelo, Mosquera/Madden, Beach) – Requires UI employer contribution reports and remittances be submitted to the Division of Revenue
A-3248/S-2459 (Conaway, Sumter, Pintor Marin/Singer) – Establishes the Task Force on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in DOH
A-3580/S-2846 (Moriarty, Dancer, Coughlin, Mainor, Pinkin, Munoz, Danielsen, Wimberly/Madden, Turner) – Prohibits sale of powdered alcohol
A-3636/SCS for S-2393, 2408, 2411 (McKeon, Lagana, Spencer/Scutari, O’Toole, Holzapfel) – Establishes crime-fraud exception to marital and civil union partnership privilege
A-3669/S-2655 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli/Whelan) – Prohibits eligibility for certain sign programs from being conditioned on availability of free drinking water or public telephone
A-3807/S-2619 (Eustace, Greenwald/Whelan) – Permits educational research and services corporations to act as lead procurement agencies for local units and publically supported educational institutions; permits Council of County Colleges to act as lead procurement agency for county colleges
A-3841/S-2540 (Munoz, Gusciora, Angelini, DeCroce/O’Toole, Weinberg) – Upgrades violation of a stalking restraining order to a crime of the third degree
A-3843/S-2735 (Caputo, Giblin, Tucker, Johnson, Mainor, Sumter/Rice) – Permits municipality to enact ordinance allowing voluntary registration of private outdoor video surveillance cameras
A-3983/S-2574 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli, Giblin/Sweeney, Whelan) – Authorizes supplemental State aid to school districts in municipality with significant decrease in commercial property valuation; makes appropriation
A-4008/SCS for S-2334 (Singleton, Mukherji, Pintor Marin, Wimberly, Sumter/Cunningham, Ruiz) – Requires DOC to make reports containing information concerning treatment and reentry initiative participation; requires AOC to establish program that collects recidivism data and make reports concerning adults sentenced to period of probation
A-4013/S-2497 (Greenwald, Lagana, Coughlin/Oroho) – Eliminates mortgage guaranty insurance coverage cap of 25% of outstanding balance of insured loan
A-4073/S-2687 (Schaer, Prieto, Caride, Lagana, Giblin, Wimberly, Rumana/Sarlo, Gill) – Requires installation of carbon monoxide detectors in certain structures; designated as “Korman and Park’s Law”
A-4078/S-2686 (Vainieri Huttle, Mosquera, McKeon, Munoz, Benson, Sumter/Pou, Beck) – “Sexual Assault Survivor Protection Act of 2015”; authorizes the court to issue protective orders for victims of certain nonconsensual sexual conduct
A-4089/S-2693 (Coughlin, Ciattarelli/Beach, Singer) – Revises certain provisions of dental service corporation law
A-4143/S-2514 (Lagana, Spencer, Mukherji, Johnson, Rumana, Rodriquez-Gregg, Gusciora, Mazzeo/Barnes, Addiego) – Permits holders of certain alcoholic beverage licenses to be issued amusement game license and updates definition of recognized amusement park
A-4144/S-2755 (Pintor Marin, Spencer, Caride, Quijano, Mukherji/Ruiz, Stack) – Requires insurance producer licensing examination and registration materials to be offered in English and Spanish, and examination instructional materials to be available in Spanish
A-4167/S-2751 (Lagana, Mazzeo, Eustace, Andrzejczak, Vainieri Huttle/Barnes) – Requires DHS to notify enrollees in Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly of Medicare eligibility
A-4168/S-2750 (Lagana, Mazzeo, Eustace, Andrzejczak, Vainieri Huttle/Barnes) – Requires providers to submit to DHS expenditure details of enrollees in Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
A-4169/S-2752 (Lagana, Mazzeo, Eustace, Andrzejczak, Vainieri Huttle/Barnes) – Requires DHS to monitor utilization and billing of services for Medicaid home and community-based long-term care
A-4333/S-3020 (Singleton, Gill) – Exempts certain activities of alarm businesses from statutes governing practice of locksmithing
A-4361/S-2891 (Johnson, A.M. Bucco, Garcia, S. Kean/Barnes, A.R. Bucco) – Revises definition of all-terrain vehicles
A-4375/S-3011 (Moriarty, Andrzejczak, Mazzeo, Mosquera, Quijano, Ciattarelli, Wimberly/Van Drew, Bateman) – Upgrades crimes of false public alarm under certain circumstances and establishes reporting requirements concerning crime
A-4485/S-2881 (Diegnan, Jasey, Wimberly, McKeon, Lagana/Gill, Turner) – Prohibits withholding of State school aid based on student participation rate on State assessments
A-4587/S-3049 (Greenwald, Lampitt, McKeon, Holley/Scutari, Cruz-Perez) – Requires facilities providing services to persons with developmental disabilities and schools to adopt policies permitting administration of medical marijuana to qualifying patients
AJR-64/SJR-82 (Schaer, Eustace, Lagana, Spencer, Caride, Mukherji/Pou, Ruiz) – Declares August 16 of each year as “Dominican Restoration Day” in New Jersey
S-929/A-1908 (Sweeney, Madden/Burzichelli, Riley, Moriarty) – ABSOLUTE -Concerns certain workers’ compensation supplemental benefits
A-801/S-861 (Coughlin, Wisniewski, Mazzeo/Vitale, Sacco) – CONDITIONAL – Directs New Jersey Turnpike Authority and South Jersey Transportation Authority to study and report on potential revenue generating services of rest areas and service plazas
A-947/S-2216 (Singleton, Lagana, Diegnan/Pennacchio, Rice) – CONDITIONAL – Requires release of bid list prior to bid date under “Local Public Contracts Law”
A-1468/S-2513 (Diegnan, Lampitt, Caride/Barnes, Ruiz) – CONDITIONAL -Establishes Task Force on Engineering Curriculum and Instruction
A-1726/S-308 (Eustace, Lagana, Mosquera, Vainieri Huttle, Wimberly/Gordon) – CONDITIONAL – Amends “Flood Hazard Area Control Act” to require DEP to take certain actions concerning delineations of flood hazard areas and floodplains
A-2579/S-1510 (Mukherji, Pintor Marin, Eustace/Smith, Bateman) – CONDITIONAL – Authorizes municipalities to facilitate private financing of water conservation, storm shelter construction, and flood and hurricane resistance projects through use of voluntary special assessments
A-2771/S-452 (Johnson, Burzichelli, Pintor Marin, Mosquera/Ruiz, Cruz-Perez) – CONDITIONAL – “The New Jersey Social Innovation Act”; establishes social innovation loan pilot program and study commission within EDA
A-2906/S-2926 (Stender, Pinkin, Mazzeo/Whelan, Scutari) – ABSOLUTE – Excludes from gross income compensation paid to members of district boards of election for services rendered in elections
A-3223/S-2056 (Singleton, Lampitt, Quijano, Pintor Marin, Wimberly/Sarlo, Ruiz) – CONDITIONAL – Requires Division of Local Government Services to include certain property tax information on division’s web page
A-3393/S-2167 (Spencer, Pintor Marin, Caputo, Tucker/Rice, Ruiz) – CONDITIONAL – Permits Newark to use rental car tax proceeds over three-year period to help reduce its “cash deficit for preceding year” appropriation and operational deficit
A-3421/S-2220 (Dancer, Mukherji/Singer) – CONDITIONAL – Revises the “Self-Funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement Regulation Act”
A-3435/S-2503 (Garcia, Mukherji, Vainieri Huttle, Mainor, Eustace, Mosquera/Stack, Gordon) – CONDITIONAL – “Boys & Girls Clubs Keystone Law”; permits minors to give consent for behavioral health care
A-3500/S-1973 (Andrzejczak, Pinkin, Quijano/Van Drew, Beach) – ABSOLUTE – Requires local recreation departments and youth serving organizations to have defibrillators for youth athletic events
A-3954/S-2981 (Conaway, Singleton, Spencer, McKeon/Greenstein) – CONDITIONAL – Requires maximum contaminant level to be established for 1,2,3-trichloropropane in drinking water
A-3981/S-2572 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli, Andrzejczak/Sweeney, Whelan) – CONDITIONAL – “Casino Property Taxation Stabilization Act”
A-3982/S-2573 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli, Andrzejczak/Sweeney, Whelan) – ABSOLUTE – Requires holder of casino license to provide certain employees with certain health care and retirement benefits
A-3984/S-2575 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli, Giblin/Sweeney, Whelan) – CONDITIONAL – Reallocates casino investment alternative tax to Atlantic City to pay debt service on municipal bonds issued
A-3985/S-2576 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli, Andrzejczak, Giblin/Sweeney, Whelan) – CONDITIONAL – Removes provisions of law relating to Atlantic City Alliance
A-4018/S-2843 (Burzichelli, Caputo, Mazzeo/Sarlo, Whelan) – ABSOLUTE – Authorizes operation of lottery courier services
A-4218/S-2786 (Mosquera, Greenwald, Lagana, Benson, Lampitt, Vainieri Huttle, Danielsen/Weinberg, Gill, Cruz-Perez) – CONDITIONAL – Revises certain laws concerning domestic violence and firearms
A-4265/S-2783 (McKeon, Pintor Marin, Jasey, Caputo, Giblin, Tucker, Spencer, Oliver, Gusciora, Danielson/Codey, Ruiz, Rice) – ABSOLUTE – Permits municipal, county, and regional police and fire forces to establish five-year residency requirement for police officers and firefighters; allows exceptions to requirement under certain circumstances
A-4337/S-3008 (Schaer, Danielsen, Dancer, Sumter/Barnes) – ABSOLUTE – Expands eligibility of inmates for medical parole and requires inmate’s enrollment in Medicaid under certain circumstances
A-4476/S-2876 (Conaway/Codey) – CONDITIONAL – Requires certain surgical practices and ambulatory care facilities licensed in this State to be owned by hospital or medical school located in the State
A-4607/S-3106 (Pintor Marin, Schaer, Oliver, Lagana, Johnson, Singleton/Ruiz, Cunningham) – ABSOLUTE – Makes FY 2016 supplemental appropriations of $6,500,000 and adds language provision
The article states that in June Christie issued an executive order making it easier for victims of DV to buy and carry firearms to protect themselves but doesn’t mention that it was never implemented so made zero difference.
It’s a start!
how about lowering property taxes
AJR-64/SJR-82 (Schaer, Eustace, Lagana, Spencer, Caride, Mukherji/Pou, Ruiz) – Declares August 16 of each year as “Dominican Restoration Day” in New Jersey.
If he had a set of balls, he’d have vetoed this pandering “declaration” and demanded that Aug 16 be declared “Pride in America Day.”
Trying to get back at the citizens cuz he is losing he wasnt on the televised debate!
I hope you are joking. If not you are a joke…