By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
This list isn’t exhaustive, Save Jersey faithful, but as the debate over where the NJ GOP needs to go rages across the Garden State, the discussion is long overdue…
Vote, then give us your best argument for someone on this list (or not present) in the comments section:
Kim would be the best yet it really doesn’t matter. I don’t see the Dems letting themselves pass on this one. 2012 after a Florio/Corzine type disaster, it would Webber time! The rest of the names in the poll are just filler.
Holly Schepisi-the best choice
Even though I follow NJ politics, I don’t know much about many of the names on this list. The ones I do know are the current Republican leadership. They have led us to the shrinking number of Republicans in office. We need real leadership and real change so I would vote against anyone currently in a leadership position. Bramnick and Kean are from my district but have not gotten even one other Republican elected so should be at the bottom of anyone’s list. Bramnick especially. He seems to go whichever way the wind blows. He was NRA rated “F”. Now he is NRA rated A+. How do we know that come next election Bramnick won’t be F again?
Michael Patrick Carroll
Uhm…. myself?
Michael Patrick Carroll
Mpc all the way
Stop that. I can’t afford to take the pay cut and I suffer from a terminal case of impolitic-honesty syndrome.
You simply can’t say what you mean and mean what you say anymore. And a sense of humor is a death sentence, because just about every joke is bound to offend somebody.
Besides I’m a Rangers fan in NJ.
Finally, what would happen if I won and actually had to serve?
Yeah Im the same way… But look how good Trump is doing
Mike Fink
The obvious and most logical choice would be Edward J. Smith.
“A gabagool in every fridge”
The NJ GOP is in shambles after “Hurricane” Christie. ……I doubt any GOP candidate can possibly win. It will be like following George W. Bush’s presidency……impossible.