So much for those ‘safe spaces’ huh, college-aged America?

The geniuses at South Park lampoon 'safe spaces'

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

If they’re paying close attention and connecting the dots, Save Jerseyans, college-aged America could learn more from this week’s news cycle provided than countless university credit hours over the course of four full years.

I know it now seems like forever ago, but we started out talking about leftist college kids on campuses around the country demanding “safe spaces” which, if you hadn’t heard, are zones or times where/when young liberals are “protected” from unwanted or scary competing opinions from their own. Put another way, they’re trying to turn universities into indoctrination camps in contrast to institutions where adults can freely exchange ideas, the latter goal being the reason they were founded in the Middle Ages in the first place.

The geniuses at South Park lampoon 'safe spaces'
The geniuses at South Park lampoon ‘safe spaces’

Then Paris happened. The European continent, robbed of its cultural and spiritual identity by the same policies advocated by the safe space movement, has been successfully invaded (by consent!) by barbarians not unlike their ancient ancestors, the Romans, who invited the Vandals inside the gates with predictably disastrous results. Oceans provide little protection. They’re here in America, too. Our homeland security apparatus has blocked most of the post-9/11 attacks without fanfare but it’s only a matter of time. Remember Fort Hood? Now they’re shooting up malls and theaters.

The kids at Mizzou don’t (if they ever did). They’re on Twitter today complaining that Paris is stealing their social media thunder. They’re already too far gone.

Others are bullied into silence or care more about “tolerance” and being perceived as reasonable than right, wrong, and survival.

The lesson for members of the next generation who aren’t irretrievably lost: safe spaces don’t exist anywhere other than in your kooky professors’ own minds.

You’re wasting valuable tuition dollars, and accruing punishing debt, for folks who’ve never lived in the real world to lie to you about what’s out there, and what’s out there is incomprehensibly evil for anyone who hasn’t personally experienced or taken the time to study fascism. Your professors are as clueless as you and, to compound the problem, they’re turning one of our country’s greatest strengths (freedom of speech) on its head.

So don’t be chump. Internalize this week’s headlines over the weekend and challenge these dopes in your classes on Monday. They’re not just misguided; they’re dangerously wrong, and if we don’t want Paris attacks every week, everywhere in the West, we cannot allow the safe spacers to dominate the thinking of the generation that’s going to need to save our civilization.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8621 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. OR, we could point the finger of blame for this attack where it really belongs, republican foreign policy. Remember how we illegally invaded Iraq and completely destabilized the Middle East? This debacle is squarely OUR FAULT and it was precisely why France opposed the war in the first place.

    Until republican foreign policy stops being nothing more than a dick measuring contest, it’s my hope that we don’t see a republican president again.

  2. Maybe you need to think back to where we would be if Bill Clinton had not let bin Laden slip through his fingers. Because the middle east was SO peaceful then, right? You need to do better research before you touch fingers to keyboard, my friend.

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