By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

We now have results from a second post-debate New Hampshire poll, Save Jerseyans, and while there are some BIG differences between yesterday’s ARG poll and today’s CNN/WMUR survey, there are two similarities worth noting:
(1) Donald Trump is gaining ground while (2) Chris Christie is losing it. CNN/WMUR found Trump up 2-points (from 32% to 34%) while Christie dropped 3-points (from 9% to 6%).
That puts Christie in a three-way ties for 5th place in a state that he can ill-afford to lose if he wants to keep him presidential dreams alive. He’s in 6th place overall in the RCP average directly behind Jeb! Bush.
Cruz (14%), Trump (10%) and Bush (10%) trailed Trump by a wide margin while no other candidate – including John Kasich – managed to break into double-digit territory.
New Hampshire votes on February 9th.
People are seeing the situation in NJ and not responding well. You can’t have a 31% approval rating and a major city nearing bankruptcy in your state and expect to get promoted!
Christie should be kicking himself for the “Save Brian Stack” 2011 redistricting intervention and the lack of pickups when carrying 75% of legislative districts in 2013. If he had a Republican majority in the legislature a lot of this mess wouldn’t be going on.
Nonsense. Christie should be kicking himself because he tried to be everything to everybody and, ultimately, was nothing to nobody.