SC Primary: Haley endorses Rubio as Murray finds 3-way race

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

It’s not a surprise move, Save Jerseyans, but South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is endorsing Marco Rubio for president according to an exclusive scoop via The State. Haley infamously scrapped with front runner Donald Trump not all too long ago.

Unfortunately for Rubio, the endorsement may not help all too much. Could it even hurt despite Haley’s personal popularity in her state?

Welcome to 2016. Ask Ted Cruz how much direct criticism from a popular governor hurt him in Iowa!

In a polling report released shortly before the Haley news broke, Monmouth’s Patrick Murray details how South Carolina, the next state to vote in the GOP race (this upcoming Saturday), is absolutely no exception to the anti-establishment backlash.

“The overwhelmingly negative feelings of South Carolina Republicans toward the political establishment have helped Trump build upon the support he enjoyed since the summer,” opined Murray, whose Monmouth University Polling Institute is based in West Long Branch. “The fact that six candidates are still in the race partly accounts for the size of his lead, despite the fact that he has relatively high negative ratings overall.”

The horse race? Murray found Trump leading with 39% of the vote followed by Ted Cruz (19%) and Rubio (17%) locked in a tight fight for second. No other candidate hit the double-digits confirming the overall RCP average standings. If it holds, Jeb Bush and Ben Carson will have a tough decision to make come Sunday morning… John Kasich, too, unless he finishes ahead of Bush and can raise enough cash to survive until the contest returns to the Midwest…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Nikki Haley would never endorse an extremist like Cruz or a lunatic like Trump. Rubio is the closest we have to a mainstream conservative who has the best shot at winning the SC primary, or at least coming in second

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