UPDATE: O’Brien, Latham join 2016 Burlco GOP ticket

Mary Ann O'Brien

By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog

With Republican incumbent Freeholder Joe Donnelly and Surrogate George Kotch taking a pass on reelection bids in 2016, Save Jerseyans, sitting Freeholder Mary Ann O’Brien and Southampton Councilman Latham Tiver earned the county organization’s backing on Saturday in Riverton to take their place on the ballot.

Mary Ann O'Brien
Mary Ann O’Brien

O’Brien will lateral to run for Surrogate while Tiver will run county-wide for freeholder. 

Congressman Tom MacArthur (R-Toms River) and Sheriff Jean Stanfield will lead the ticket. 

“As a local official in Southampton, I helped to forge shared services agreements to eliminate duplication of services and save tax dollars,” said Deputy Mayor Tiver, who formerly worked as a Heavy Equipment Operator with the Operating Engineers Local 825, in a statement.  “As a volunteer coach in town, I worked hard to secure state and county grant dollars to expand recreational opportunities and champion the NJ Safe Routes to School initiative, which enables and encourages students to safely walk and bike to school.  As Freeholder, I will bring my experience in both the public and private sector to the table, and seek to build consensus among fellow Board members to solve problems and make Burlington County an even better place to work, raise a family and retire.”     


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