N.J. GOP Congressman will write-in Mike Pence for prez over Trump hot mic flap

Chris Christie announcing his support for Frank LoBiondo's 2014 reelection campaign.
Chris Christie announcing his support for Frank LoBiondo's 2014 reelection campaign.
Chris Christie announcing his support for Frank LoBiondo’s 2014 reelection campaign.

Decade-old lewd comments caught on tape gave Republican dissenters license to dump their presidential candidate over the weekend. It’s an unprecedented level of push back, Save Jerseyans.

Here in New Jersey, U.S. Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R, NJ-02), was the most vocal.

“Saying this election has been incredibly disappointing is an understatement. It never had to be this way,” LoBiondo declared in a statement released to the the media. “We should be debating the issues that affect our nation’s future. Instead we have two horribly flawed choices. It is clear that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton can unify a deeply divided country. I have repeatedly and strongly spoken out against Mr. Trump when he degrades and insults women, minority groups and Gold Star military families.

“I will not vote for a candidate who boasts of sexual assault. It is my conclusion that Mr. Trump is unfit to be President. Similarly Secretary Clinton’s dishonorable actions – flagrantly ignoring federal laws, repeated failures in judgment on critical foreign policy and national security decisions, and intentionally lying to Congress and the American people – have disqualified her,” LoBiondo continued. “I cannot support and will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States. I will write in Governor Mike Pence for President.”

Meanwhile, the RNC Victory Program – a vital part of the campaign’s get-out-the-vote strategy – was put on hold by party leaders. A joint appearance between Speaker Paul Ryan and Veep hopeful Mike Pence was aborted.

My two cents:

Everyone calm down. Deep breaths. How do you think JFK and Lyndon Johnson talked at the golf course or in the locker room? America is acting like this is the first pig who ever endeavored to the Oval Office. He may actually be one of the less-piggy ones in modern history (which is really saying something).

And I’m no Donald Trump fan, that’s known, but if you voted for Bill Clinton twice?

Shut up. Seriously. Enough already with your feigned outrage.

I first learned what oral sex was – back in grade school, in the 1990s – snickering with other kids over the Clinton scandal. What a role model! Your party’s senior statesmen is the original one-man ‘War On Women,’ and Slick Willie’s wife was his right-hand hatchet woman. Neither of them should be permitted within 1,000 yards of the White House (or a school building).

Why aren’t Republican leaders saying THAT?

Their lack of intestinal fortitude at moments like this is precisely the reason why the base revolted and we’re stuck with a stinker like Donald Trump in the first place. They deserve this predictable (!) mess. You and I do not.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.