N.J. Legislator: Gas Tax Hike Will Impact Price of Everything From Baby Lotion to Shoe Polish

johnsons_baby_product_shelves_at_krogerFuel isn’t the only thing bound to get more expensive when New Jersey’s gas tax rises 23-cents per gallon on November 1st, Save Jerseyans.

On Tuesday, good old Assemblyman Ron Dancer pointed out how everyday household products, ranging from deodorant and baby lotion to toothpaste and shoe polish, are petroleum-based products and will consequently increase in price along with gasoline.

“It isn’t just a gas tax, it’s a petroleum products tax,” explained Dancer. “This will raise the price of everyday items like baby lotion and baby oil, hair care products, cold cream and lip balm, cooking spray, body and skin care lotion, even shoe polish. In fact, all consumer products that aren’t directly taxed will cost more at the check-out due to increased truck transportation costs as a result of this tax also being applied to diesel fuel with a fully phased-in 29 cent per gallon increase.”

The list of petroleum products is extensive (here’s a more extensive list). In fact, Americans consume the equivalent of three-and-a-half gallons of oil every day.

It’s just one more reason why the gas tax advocates’ tired “out-of-staters will pay much of the tax’s cost” line is utter and complete garbage.



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.