Kushner isn’t the only Trump transition leader who hates Chris Christie

christie trump go homeWhether Governor Chris Christie lands somewhere in the Administration or gets sent packing remains a topic of intense speculation.

Much has been made in the press about how Trump’s son-in-law and key transition lieutenant, Jared Kushner, isn’t keen on Christie after the then-U.S. Attorney indicted his father over a decade ago.

Less discussed is how ill-feelings towards Christie on the Pence-led transition team may go far deeper than Kushner.

Among them is Frank Gaffney, a former Reagan administration official who has recently been tasked with consulting the forming Trump White House on national security issues. He’s part of the ‘shake-up’ signaled by Christie’s post-election demotion as transition chairman.

Gaffney is no Christie fan. At all. In fact, back in 2011, Gaffney appeared on a radio program and suggested that the New Jersey Governor might be guilty of “misprision of treason” after he appointed Sohail Mohammed, a Muslim judge, to the New Jersey Superior Court.

Does Christie stand a chance landing in the Justice, Defense, or Homeland Security departments with severe critics like Kushner and Gaffney making important personnel decisions?

Anything is possible in this crazy political environment but any honest observer would need to concede that it doesn’t look promising for the Governor.

— Update —

Despite reports from the WSJ & NYT to the contrary, Frank Gaffney is reportedly denying a formal role with the Trump transition effort.

Click here to read the full story….


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