N.J. Moving to Jail Murderous Child Molesters for Life

New Jersey is moving to eliminate any prospect of reprieve for anyone who sexually abuses and murders a child in the Garden State.

Under a new law (A373) passed by the General Assembly on Wednesday, any predators who molests and kills a child under the age of 18 will serve a mandatory life in prison sentence.

“The young are the most innocent and most susceptible targets in our society, and protecting them must always be the priority. We’re sending a message: For the worst of the worst criminals, if you prey on a minor, there is no second chance,” said Asw. Holly Schepisi (R–Bergen), one of the bill’s co-sponsors.

Current New Jersey law denies parole to any defendant serving a life sentence for molesting and murdering a child under the age 14.

New Jersey eliminated its death penalty in 2007.


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