Historic Trump Budget Includes 31% Cut for the EPA

President Donald Trump‘s budget proposal dropped Tuesday, Save Jerseyans, and it includes $3.6 trillion in proposed cuts and a 10-year plan to balance the federal budget for the first time since the 1990s. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will shrink by 1/3 if the Republican President gets his way.

Even Rep. Leonard Lance (R, NJ-07), a Trump skeptic, offered mostly positive initial assessments.

“I commend President Trump’s commitment to balancing the budget and prioritizing taxpayer dollars responsibly. And as a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee I am pleased that the Administration is committed to modernizing our energy infrastructure and promoting energy independence,” said Lance in a statement.

“But there’s an old adage in Washington: ‘The president proposes and Congress disposes.’ The President’s budget is just a blueprint; a wish-list. It is Congress that controls the power of the purse under our U.S. Constitution,” Lance continued. “So while I do not agree with every line-item in the presidential budget request, I want to work with this Administration and enact pro-growth budgetary policies that will reduce our debt and deficits and reinvigorate the American economy while funding many critical federal functions and safety net programs in a fiscally responsible manner.”

You can check out the budget for yourself right here.


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