ROONEY: Jersey City’s Fulop can “return our money at any time” after tax reform slam

Hypocrisy alert, Save Jerseyans: 

When news broke that Jersey City is letting its residents prepay their taxes to take advantage of the current SALT deduction, Mayor Steven Fulop‘s office cited the Republicans’ federal tax reform legislation as reason for the extraordinary gesture, casting all of the blame for New Jerseyans’ tax woes on Washington, D.C. 

Save Jersey‘s Matt Rooney responded by telling The Jersey Journal that Fulop’s position is ridiculous in light of his city’s track record:

Matt Rooney, a lawyer and conservative blogger, called Fulop’s move “hypocritical, disingenuous hyper-partisanship.” Noting that the city’s school district relies on more than $400 million in state aid annually and that the city awards long-term tax breaks to developers, Rooney suggested Fulop practice what he preaches.

“If tax fairness is his aim he can return our money at any time!” Rooney told The Jersey Journal.

Rooney said most New Jerseyans “will win and get a tax cut” from the tax bill.

Click here to read the full story.

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