Fox Business host unloads on Sweeney over N.J. budget, taxes (VIDEO)

Steve Sweeney

NEW YORK, N.Y. — Senate President Steve Sweeney got a cool reception on Fox Business’s Varney & Co. program this Wednesday afternoon, Save Jerseyans.

“I am a resident of New Jersey. I’ve been there for nearly 40 years. You’re going to raise my taxes and you won’t let me leave. I’m a prisoner,” said Stuart Varney to the legislature’s top Democrat, referring to the recent $1.6 billion tax increase accompanying the newly-minted FY 2019 budget.

“If I want to move across the state line to Pennsylvania, and pay a much lower tax rate, you’re going to keep me in New Jersey. You won’t let me leave. You’ll tie me down with lawyers and accountants at auditors. You won’t let me leave,” Varney added.

Sweeney demurred.

“We’ll work with the governor to start moving forward. There’s a lot of fixes that have to happen. New Jersey is a great state. You know it, you live there. That’s why I live there. But we need to fix it. It’s too expensive,” he said.

But Varney, a resident of Franklin Lakes, wasn’t impressed.

“You told me that last time,” the host countered. “You’ve been on the program three times, I think, in the last 18 months. Every single time you told me we’re going to fix it. We’re going to look at how we’re spending money. We’re going to look at taxation. Nothing’s happened. Nothing. All I’ve got is a tax increase.”

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