Some Alternative Chris Christie Book Titles

By Matt Rooney

I’ll probably have to read Chris Christie’s forthcoming memoir “Let Me Finish,” if for no other reason so you don’t have to, Save Jerseyans. You’re welcome.

What’s worse? In a very Christie-like move, he dropped the title before any of the rest of us had a chance to offer alternative book titles. Selfish!

But fear not, my friends. What follows is a list that I cooked up (and to which friends on Twitter and Facebook enthusiastically applied their creativity and offered up additions).

We’ll update the list further if you add something equally fun/funny in the comments:

“Tuesdays with George”

“War and Fleece”

“The Bridges of Bergen County”

“The Gas Tax Also Rises”

“A Passage to Fort Lee”

“Art of the Kneel”

“Into Hot Air”

“All the Governor’s Men”

“Interview with a Trump”

“Fear and Loathing in Trenton”

“A Christie in the Sun”

“The Endless Summer: Memoirs from Island Beach State Park”

“The Empty Beach Chair”

“The Lovely Cones”

“A Hug Before Dawn”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.