OUCH: Jersey Girl Kellyanne Conway DESTROYS “smart ass” Jim Acosta

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Notorious Trump critic Jim Acosta of CNN decided to ask Kellyanne Conway if the President would “tell the truth” during his Tuesday night address on the border wall dispute.


“Let me get back in your face because you’re such a smart ass most of the time and I know you want this to go viral, a lot of these people don’t like you. But just let me be respectful to the media at large as I always am, I explained that was alternative information and additional facts and I explained it many times,” spouted Conway halfway through an epic put-down of Acosta who continued to try and get a retort into the exchange.

“And don’t you put it back in my face for all the corrections that your network needs to issue. I was on your network 25 or 26 times in 2018 and I’m one of the last people here that even bothers to go on. And the disrespect that you show to me personally,” the New Jersey native added.

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