Phil Murphy spends 9/11 pushing his gun control agenda

TRENTON, N.J. – Even 18 years later, the memory of September 11, 2001 is seared into the memories of Americans who lived through it, especially those in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut whose friends and loved ones worked in and around the Ground Zero site.

As a result, tri-state region politicians typically cease (or at least tone down) their negative campaigning or controversial policy pushes on the actual anniversary date. Unfortunately, as with many things, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (D) is the exception to the rule.

On Wednesday, the New Jersey Democrat State Committee (NJDSC) sent out a mass e-mail from Governor Murphy trumpeting the Governor’s Tuesday executive order purportedly designed to combat gun violence. 

“Our goal is nothing short of reducing the number of gun-related deaths in New Jersey to zero. To make that possible, it will take all levels of government, businesses, and the residents of New Jersey working together toward the same vision of keeping our state safe from guns.” declared Murphy in his self-congratulatory message.

746 New Jersey residents perished on September 11, 2001 after Al Qaeda hijacked four airliners and murdered 2,977 human beings.

Click here to read Murphy’s e-mail.

“You guys should really get a clue,” fired back NJ 101.5’s Bill Spadea on Twitter.

On the eve of this year’s commemoration, NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt said that the Democrat Governor was thumping his chest for nothing. 

“Like most sensible New Jerseyans, the NJGOP also supports common sense gun laws, but once again Governor Murphy shows his inability to take aim at gun crime and instead continues his practice of targeting legal gun owners,” said Steinhardt in his Tuesday statement. “Today’s Executive Order is big on bravado and short on substance. It creates the same false sense of security that the rest of his political pandering creates. On behalf of the NJGOP, I call on Governor Murphy to do something meaningful to combat gun crime and stop criminalizing gun owners, manufacturers and retailers.”.


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