Desperate Booker hauls in millions (but still drops in a new poll)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Cory Booker threatened to drop out of the 2020 race unless Americans gave him $1.7 million. He ended up with $6 million

His polling is no better for it.

Booker dropped to 1% in the latest Monmouth Poll taken in September, down from 4% in the organization’s August poll.

His new money infusion isn’t likely to get him very far; Bernie Sanders raised $25.3 and Kamala Harris fetched $11.6 in the same quarter. Even  Andrew Yang raised $10 million.

Meanwhile, at the top of the Democrat card, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren are battling for top position. Biden may nevertheless maintain a timing advantage, at least for now.

“The top-line numbers in Monmouth’s August poll may have differed from other polls at that time, but the underlying trend line we saw then has carried over. Biden’s drop in the national ‘beauty contest’ is coming mainly from voters in states that hold nominating contests after Super Tuesday,” opined polling director Patrick Murray.

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