As Kamala drops, Booker complains Democrat debate thresholds are racist

By Matt Rooney

Kamala Harris is history, Save Jerseyans. Speaking frankly: America would be nuts to elect an incumbent California politician to anything. Crazy taxes, rampant homelessness, no power, and poop in the streets… not much of a national campaign platform!

Cory Booker is shockingly still in the race despite barely registering in the latest polls. New Jersey’s junior Democrat senator is likely to miss December’s LA debate as a result, so like any true mature leader, he’s… taking responsibility?

Nah. Of course not. Gropacus sent out an email blast on Tuesday evening accusing the DNC of enforcing racist debate access rules:

“I’ll get right to the point: Six candidates currently in the race are qualified for the DNC’s December debate. But as it stands now, after starting with the most diverse presidential field in our nation’s history, you might not see our party’s diversity reflected on that stage.

Not a single one of the candidates who have qualified for the December debate is a person of color. And that’s a shame.

These thresholds have had the effect of denying candidates of color access to the debate stage while paving the way for billionaires who are inflating their support through massive ad buys. I’m asking for your donation right now to help me qualify for the December debate by placing ads in the early states.

Booker (who started race baiting like a champ in the run-up to his 2020 presidential campaign) has until December 12th to register (1) at least four national or early state polls at 4% or higher or (2) at least two 6% poll showings in early primary states.

It’s unclear how any of these requirements are racist. Perhaps Booker will stay in primary contention long enough to explain? Though I wouldn’t bet the farm on it.

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