Murphy, Callahan don’t understand why N.J. police pursuits are rising. It’s not complicated.

By Matt Rooney

A Monday morning NJ 101.5 article by David Matthau jumped out at me, Save Jerseyans. The gist of the story in case you haven’t seen it: New Jersey police pursuits are WAY up (up 50% versus this point in 2019), and Phil Murphy and NJSP Pat Callahan can’t figure out why.

Both men cited “lighter traffic” and stress as possible causes which represents a very interesting take since their lockdown measures are directly responsible for lighter traffic and stress. But I digress.

The REAL proximate root cause isn’t hard to discern.

Turn on your television or scroll to your preferred Internet news channel. Look at what’s happening in cities across the country where violent crimes are on the rise. Watch the “peaceful demonstrations.” Listen to the rhetoric on the streets AND from Democrats in the halls of power.

Respect for law enforcement is breaking down, reaching perhaps an all-time low, and public attitudes towards interactions with the police are changing as a result.

If you really, truly believe law enforcement officers are generally trigger-happy stormtroopers? The prevailing opinion pushed by the American Left? You’re probably far more likely to run when the police try to stop you! Right?

Police pursuits are dangerous affairs. That’s not controversial. The current openly anti-police environment – fostered and stoked by the Left for political gain – is putting police, perps, and innocents at elevated risk of bad outcomes.

Liberty and law and order go hand-in-hand. Permitting the Jersey burbs to transform in the clown show that is currently NYC is not an option, and laying the blame on “stress” and traffic is a cop out. The Murphy Administration should take this situation seriously before matters escalate. It should begin tackling this rising stat by changing its policies which are drifting in a decidedly and ominously anti-law enforcement direction.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.