The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Presidential Debate Edition

By Matt Rooney

If the Commission on Presidential Debates made a baby with the UFC, Save Jerseyans? You’d eventually see last night’s debate screaming its head off 9 months later.

In many ways? It was a televised Facebook thread. An all-caps screaming match which felt chaotic, bitter, deeply-personal (unnecessarily so), and not-unlike any social media you’ve seen on your news feed: circular and pointless-feeling. Let take a moment to examine the “good” (because there was some good in there), the bad, and the ugly, understanding all the time that this is coming from the perspective of an unapologetic conservative who plans to vote for Donald Trump:


The good: Donald Trump didn’t win but neither did Joe Biden. A “win” for Joe Biden wouldn’t been a commanding performance that made viewers say “wow, this shining example of a statesmen would be a refreshing change from the Orange Man!” A “win” for Trump would’ve been Joe Biden forgetting where he was or wetting his pants live on stage. Neither man snagged a clean W. The President – like a champion wrestler – wrapped-up Biden and brought the former Vice President down to the mat for the sort of debate he (apparently) wanted. Biden’s snickering, “shut up” remark directed at the President and frequent use of the “clown” insult played well with the people who are already voting for him. Everyone else? It made it harder for them to tell the difference between the candidates and probably more likely (in many cases) to skip voting.

I generally agree with Chris Christie’s analysis: Trump was “too hot,” but Biden’s performance was also problematic and possibly more difficult to rectify in future debates (assuming they actually happen). 


…Biden didn’t need to “win” on Tuesday night. He’s ahead by all of the objective measures, even if you assume a couple-to-few point “silent” Trump vote in the battleground states. Trump needed to reach that 40-year old mom and graphic designer living in Chester County, Pennsylvania who thinks he’s sort of an ass but also thinks what she’s seeing from the Democrats on television – and in the streets – is disgraceful. That’s not to say the Donald didn’t land some good blows (particularly when Biden repeatedly refused to even say the word “law enforcement” and his point about the ill-advised blue state lockdowns), but I also respectfully think the President was aiming at the wrong goal.

He missed lay-ups (no mention of fracking during the energy portion of the debate??? And why didn’t he go after Biden on the crime bill?). He assumed the casual political voter knows more than they do (his Hunter Biden rants probably went right over most undecided voters’ heads; if you’re going to bring it up, then you need to explain it a bit). Not explaining the EXACT problem with vote-by-mail made his remarks seems rambling and more-than-a-little tinfoil hat-ish. What’s more, Trump takes for granted that the American people are with him on socialism; I think that’s true at the metaphysical level, but there are plenty of low information voters out there who need someone to explain to them why Europe’s path is the wrong one for our country to walk.

No: Trump should’ve made this an issues debate and, specifically, an indictment of Joe Biden’s Democrat Party. POTUS should’ve let Joe talk, say something extreme (like ANTIFA is only an “idea”), and then press him – hard and mercilessly – on his Far Left positions on the Green New Deal, taxes, riots, policing and health care. That’s the debate Trump CAN win and reach some undecided voters in the process. I don’t think he’s going to win this by convincing people Joe Biden is too sleepy. 


Watch it for yourself if you missed it live. I’m certainly not one of these hand-wringers pining for long-gone era of “civility.” I’d settle for an era of coherency, and we were no where near that last night. It’s partially Chris Wallace’s fault. The President’s antagonism with Wallace is well-known, and it was obvious from the start that both men hate one another. Wallace couldn’t help debating Trump and Trump couldn’t resist engaging Wallace head-on. Biden, for his part, was lucid at times but, at others, seemed like he desperately needed a vitamin injection.

A lot of people are virtue-signaling this morning saying things like “America deserves better.”

Do we? Really?

Again, what you saw last night is exactly what Americans are doing to each other EVERY DAY on-and-off of social media. I can’t tell you how many people have told me they’re “done” with me over my intention to vote for Trump. Plenty of others I know have had similar experiences. Our presidential contests are a reflection of who we are and WHERE we are as a people. If you don’t like what you saw last night? Spend some time in front of a mirror tonight and question whether as a Republican, Democrat, Martian, whatever, you’re contributing to the sort of dialogue our country needs to keep this country healthy, strong, and on top through another century.

Ironically, I suspect the end result of last night – barring a change in the race’s trajectory, which is always possible – is lower turnout than we otherwise would’ve seen as some undecideds decide civic engagement isn’t worth it.


Save Jersey’s Founder and Blogger-in-Chief, MATT ROONEY is a nationally-noted and respected New Jersey political commentator. When he’s not on-line, radio or television advocating for conservative reform and challenging N.J. power-brokers, Matt is a practicing attorney at the law firm of DeMichele & DeMichele in Haddon Heights (Camden County). 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.