Biden could care less about unity. The Left wants your submission. Now. Or else. | Rooney

By Matt Rooney

Some stains simply don’t wash off, Save Jerseyans.

Back in 2012, Joe Biden dramatically warned an audience full of black Americans that Mitt Romney and Republicans wanted to put them “all back in chains.” Flash forward eight years. Basking in the glow of legacy media victory projections, Biden is telling us that… are you ready for it… “this is the time to heal in America.

Wow! Why the change? Is anyone curious?

Eight years ago, half of the country wanted to – in his opinion – reinstitute slavery.

Today? When he believes he’s finally grabbed the elusive brass ring and won the U.S. presidency? Uncle Joe thinks the time has finally arrived to tone down the rhetoric, hug it out, and get on with the healing process.

Are you f—ing kidding me?

The Left wants your submission, folks. Total, unequivocal, unquestioning surrender. On your knees.

Never forget it.

Don’t take my word for it. If Joe Biden was genuinely interested in unifying this country, he could do something novel: offer a public mea culpa and apologize for his 2012 remarks. He could say something like “I, like many, got caught up in the heat of battle. But we now know that that sort of battle isn’t the type where anyone wins. I pledge to do better, and I encourage all Americans – left and right – to join me.” Not bad, right? I should’ve been a speech writer in another life!

But you won’t hear Joe say it. First of all, he doesn’t believe it. What he truly believes is what he said the first time around. Secondly, even if Joe DID want to apologize, his ‘Orange Man Bad’ socialist base would never go for it. He just rode to a popular vote win on the backs of woke suburbanites and Never Trumpers who HATE Donald Trump because they’ve convinced themselves that the president – and his followers – are modern day Nazis. There’s no putting that one back in the box with a lazy call for ‘healing.’ The damage is done.

Something else Biden could try if he genuinely wanted to bring us all together: endorse a full, impartial, out-in-the-opne recount in the contested states. If he’s so convinced his victory was fraud-free? Make the Donald put up or shut up in front of the cameras. Rushing ahead with a transition and dismissing sworn affivadits – flanked by cheap “President Elect” stage props which look like they were printed at Kinkos in the middle of the night – accomplishes little other than to further engrage the 70+ million Americans who don’t trust what’s happening. It’s contextually hard to overlook the fact that leading Democrats and their base vocally refused to accept any presidential results from 2000 onward. Now they want their critics to suck it up and move on? When they’ve never proven capable of doing the same? Please.

I mean, this is the same Leftist movement that forced America’s urban business owners to BOARD UP THEIR STORES, PREEMPTIVELY just in case Joe Biden lost!!! Some of them want to create lists of Trump supporters, an ominous step familiar to anyone who’s ever studied history’s most vile totalitarian regimes.

No, folks, I wish I was wrong, but Republicans will still routinely be accused of being bigoted sexist racist monsters no matter who takes the oath of office this upcoming January. Not because they are, but because Joe Biden’s Democrat Party has a lot of goals in mind for the next four years and unity is NOT one of them. No lasting unity is possible until the Left either reforms its hateful ways or loses decisively. Wishing and hoping won’t change that.


Save Jersey’s Founder and Blogger-in-Chief, MATT ROONEY is a nationally-noted and respected New Jersey political commentator. When he’s not on-line, radio or television advocating for conservative reform and challenging N.J. power-brokers, Matt is a practicing attorney at the law firm of DeMichele & DeMichele in Haddon Heights (Camden County). 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.