That new Springsteen/Bon Jovi/Stewart “wear a friggin’ mask” billboard isn’t just obnoxious. It’s insidious.

By Matt Rooney

There’s a new billboard up on the Turnpike this holiday season, Save Jerseyans, and the message seems pretty simple to the naked eye: Bruce Sprinsteen, Jon Bon Jovi (who doesn’t even live here anymore), and Jon Stewart wearing masks and urging you to “friggin” wear one, too. 

Bruce tweeted out his PSA ahead of Thanksgiving:

Condescending? Yeah.

Obnoxious? Oh yeah.

Simple? No. There’s more to this one than meets the eye, folks, and it’s downright insidious.

Here’s what’s going to happen in the coming weeks and months until an effective vaccine is in circulation: Phil Murphy will continue to blame YOU and me for rising COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. He already warned you that having a traditional-sized Thanksgiving would make you responsible for grandma’s premature demise. Every time there’s a spike? He’ll blame the “knuckleheads” for not masking up or eschewing holiday gatherings and use it all as a justification to further erode our constitutional rights.

This can’t be his fault! It must be yours. Do better. Or else. We’re seeing mayors and governors around the country following a similar “what’s wrong with you people” playbook.

And if you question the arbitrary fealty to “science” undergirding Murphy’s edicts or the conventional widsom that masks are highly-effective in retarding the virus’s spread? You’re right next to Holocaust deniers on the spectrum of terrible, dangerous people.

Murphy doesn’t want to talk about the fact that our state represents about 2.7% of the total U.S. population but 5.6% of COVID-19 deaths. Almost half of our state’s 15,000 deaths can be linked to long-term care facilities where the Murphy Administration – by way of a March 2020 memo, which we still have – literally packed and then locked people into to die.

Right before Thanksgiving, state Senator Joe Pennacchio (R-25) says hi soffice confirmed that an Ocean County nursing home is accepting new COVID-19 positive partients patients.

But nah, folks. It’s YOUR fault if COVID-19 claims more lives unless you shut up, comply, and do whatever Phil Murphy, two washed-up rock stars and a “comedian” who’s been off TV for years than smart tell you to do.

The incumbent Governor New Jersey didn’t invent these deplorable tactics (athough he’s certainly making them his own). Strongmen have erected strawmen throughout history to draw the public’s anger and channel it away from a regime that’s policies are actually responsible for the population’s suffering.

Springsteen, Bon Jovi and Stewart are helping him get away with it. They’re state propagandists. Never forget.


Save Jersey’s Founder and Blogger-in-Chief, MATT ROONEY is a nationally-noted and respected New Jersey political commentator. When he’s not on-line, radio or television advocating for conservative reform and challenging N.J. power-brokers, Matt is a practicing attorney at the law firm of DeMichele & DeMichele in Haddon Heights (Camden County). 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.