The real question isn’t whether Trump will go. Can they let him go? I doubt it.

By Matt Rooney

There’s palpable fear on the Left this Christmas, Save Jerseyans, notwithstanding the fact that their man is the almost certain victor of the 2020 presidential contest. I’d ascribe some of it to President Trump’s long history of pulling rabbits out of hats. Until the electors meet and cast their ballots on December 14th? Anything can happen (they suppose) even if they’d never admit to thinking it’s likely or even possible out loud. To do so would be… unthinkable!

But it’s more than that, isn’t it? Because let’s face it: the Trump path to victory is close-to-nonexistent at this late hour. I’m sorry, folks, but if the Kraken hasn’t surfaced yet, I wouldn’t expect to see it over the next two weeks in time to change the course of history. No, the truth is that there’s something still more unthinkable lurking in Leftists’ imaginations. Our Trump-hating friends are secretly more afraid of life AFTER Trump than another four years of Trump in the White House.

Terrified is actually more accurate.

CNN, which faces a titanic ratings collapse with the Donald to smear, was pushing a story on Tuesday of an alleged executive branch pardon bribery scandal. Worry-driven rumors flew about online that the Donald would pardon himself and his family before leaving office. The prospect is giving his detractors fits because Democrats – including New Jersey’s own Bill Pascrell – and their allies plan on spending the early days of a Biden Administration pursuing prosecutions of Trump and his associates.

Why? Ratings for the media types. Over on the political side, they recognize “Orange Man Bad” (a/k/a OMB) is now the new Democrat religion. It’s what they believe. It’s actually the ONLY common belief and unifying principle tying together the coalition that voted for Joe Biden. 

OMB is therefore the only reason the Democrats are still functioning as a viable national party. Democrats took a beating on Election Day 2020 across the board. Socialism was on the ballot and it failed to stick in most electoral battlegrounds including here in Jeff Van Drew’s NJ-02. Were it not for the cult of Orange Man Bad taking hold in the Philly, Atlanta, and Phoenix suburbs? Donald Trump would be busily tweeting criticism of Democrats’ electoral legal challenges at the moment. Medicare for all and lockdowns forever can’t keep PA or WI in the blue column. Hispanic voters and working class voters continue to trend in the president’s direction, and since demographics is often destiny, it’s worth noting that those are the Americans still having babies. White karens aren’t. 

So Trump remains the indispensible man for his enemies.

Meanwhile, the president has said some dramtic things but he hasn’t called for or encouraged violence. Sedition. Rebellion. Not even close.

I suspect President Trump is doing what he thinks he needs to do to in the interest of equity for his supporters and future Trump Network viewers. No more, no less. When all peaceful avenues are exchausted? The greatest American showman of our time won’t obstruct a Biden inaugural. He’ll board Marine One en route to Joint Base Andrews (assuming he bothers to show up) and begin his post-presidency, one that’s likely to be among the most impactful in history. He’ll take his show back on the road. He will be just fine. 

Nah. Don’t believe the conventional wisdom. Contrary to the narrative you’re getting from the Media, it’s the Orange Man Bad crew that’s going to have trouble letting go of Donald Trump. Far more trouble than he’ll have leaving office to enjoy a life of golf, sun, fun, media empire building and GOP kingmaking from his new Florida home base. Their hatred of the man now defines them, and it will continue to define them for the foreseeable future. I wish them the best of luck. They’re going to need it.


Save Jersey’s Founder and Blogger-in-Chief, MATT ROONEY is a nationally-noted and respected New Jersey political commentator. When he’s not on-line, radio or television advocating for conservative reform and challenging N.J. power-brokers, Matt is a practicing attorney at the law firm of DeMichele & DeMichele in Haddon Heights (Camden County). 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.