Andy Kim is butthurt over a new billboard calling him out for putting teacher’s unions ahead of in-person school

MT. HOLLY, N.J. The Republican-affiliated American Action Network went up with trolling billboards this week in 12 House districts where Democrats are fighting like hell to keep schools closed for in-person instruction. One of the targeted congressman is Andy Kim (D, NJ-03).

“Kids are falling behind, yet liberals in Congress seem not to care,” said AAN President Dan Conston. “Even though the science shows it’s safe for children to return to school, teachers unions continue to keep students locked out of their classrooms. Liberals in Congress — awash in teacher union cash — are picking the unions over America’s kids. It’s time for Congress to support safely reopening schools now.”

It’s the second GOP super pac to go after Kim this month for voting against tying federal funding to reopening schools. The I-295 billboard highlights how Kim, a second term member of the U.S. House, took money from teacher’s unions for his congressional campaign in the Southern New Jersey district.

Kim promptly took to Twitter to complain… and raise cash:

His detractors think Kim’s butthurt reaction is ironic.

“Andy Kim would rather beg for more campaign cash than lift a finger to help get students back in the classroom – and his latest tweet is proof positive of that,” said AAN Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Kids are falling behind and it’s time for Andy Kim to stop placating his campaign donors and do what’s right for our childrens’ future.”

A growing body of research verifies the harmful impact of social and academic isolation on school age children.

Approximately 190 school districts in New Jersey remain completely remote.

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